[img]http://www.furnituredepot.com/cachedimages/d/d1320aec6f96f0e188c21d6f651deace.image.1280x861.jpg[/img] [@Kibaro] Lily straightened. She rubbed the tears from her face. [color=blue]"I'll get it. You take all the time you need."[/color] Ryland opened the door to see the younger man there. He gavery the boy a reassuring smile. [color=blue]"Lily is fine Lucus. She has just been watching some of her fathers tapes. She wants to identify all the orphans that he experimented on."[/color] Which was proving hard. Most of the orphans were in the 20s. All the not and videa were coded so they had to uncode the name then try to find the person. It was taking longer then they had hoped. [color=blue]"Excuse me Lucus."[/color] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHYcO89FY3--_BriRI1SUX0ks3RlGIgFggTSnQZi_OyrMsJFseiA[/img] Ryland headed out of the room. He had felt someone approaching the house. If he hadn't beem so close to the front he might not have noticed but luckily he had been in the office but if he hadn't been then sone one else would have. Luckily it wasn't easy to break in. He quickly made his way to the door. He sighed when he saw a younger man passed out there. He carefully began pullingerie the younger man into the house. [@Lord-Of-Frozen-Flame]