After the fight, Heimdal moved back to where Canis was standing, slipping his hand underneath his loin-cloth to rub his abused genitalia, with Canis chuckling," A dirty fighter, I see?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, watching Luminia step forward, unarmed except for the dagger at her belt. Heimdal growled," You aught to put him with Darma, show him the real meaning of suffering," Heimdal snarled back, straightening himself," He's a bit too cocky, but he has a quick eye and no sense of honor. The kind of man the crowd would love to hate, if you take my meaning. They would flock to the arenas in hopes of watching him lose, if he is successful. It's also very likely that if he loses a fight, they will not give life." Canis nodded, scowling a bit at the overly brief fight between the slave girl and Luminia," You held back in fighting him," Canis said softly," Care to explain why?" Heimdal nodded," Didn't want to send any more of the men to the Medicus. We need to get our men training as quickly as possible." Canis nodded," True, I suppose," He moved over to Luminia, smiling," Thank you for not beating her senseless," He said with a chuckle, one that faded to a growl as he turned to Darma. He had fought the man in the past, and while much stronger, Canis was faster and more agile, putting Darma on the ground quickly. The crowd had liked the man, however, and given him life. Three more had been the same. Two were now contenders for the title of the Champion of Maro. The last had died in his next fight. There was something in the man that Canis didn't like, but he couldn't deny that the man was the finest Cestus fighter in the world. "Try not to send any more to the Medicus, eh Darma?" Canis raised his eyebrow, and the huge man relaxed. "Yes Dominus," He said in a gravelly tone. Canis turned to the rest of them. The lessons had been well learned. They needed more training, and none of them looked like they wanted to have a go with any of the Doctores. Meli, of course, was not up for fighting. He had picked the girl mainly because of her skilled and tactical mind. Her distance judgement was second to none and she knew how to use a shield to deadly effect, but her hands were too weak to wield anything but a dagger. She had never fought in the arena, nor received gladiator training, and yet she was still among the deadliest of the house, especially since she could strike from afar. "Enough, worms?" He asked," Or do you need further display of your weakness?" None other stepped forward," Very well, we shall begin training,"He turned to Heimdal," You had your eye on the two that you fought. Take them for further training as well as him... him... and her," He indicated towards three others, including Nairi, and Heimdal nodded, indicating for the five to separate themselves from the rest. "Darma, as you beat the youth down, you will train the Grecian. Her as well..." He said, pointing at Claudia, and selecting three others. The selection continued in similar manner, with five men to each Doctore, Tane going to M'baka.