[@BlackSam3091] Freedom Force is an incredible game for the PC and was the game Marvel used later on to base their X Men Legends games off of. There are tons of mods for the game, as character creating is a big part of it. It's actually one of the games people use for colleges who teach students how to create video games. I never got around to playing the sequel but I was really in good with a lot of the people who made mods for the Justice League, and myself had an Aquaman mod probably 75% complete before some contributors broke contact. The only sucky thing to note, when Marvel hired some of the same developers and fans to work on X-Men Legends, they put out a cease and desist order on fans making skins and such for Marvel characters and putting them for download online. The Skindex I believe was even shut down for awhile. I worked on mods and character packs with some of those guys for years, its addicting once you get your foot in the door. As far as gender flipping heroes, there's Starhawk from Marvel and Mighty Man from Image. I've read comics so long there's barely anything I HAVEN'T seen at this point. In other news, I'm working on a sheet for the Beast from B'Wana. ~KL~