[h2][color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color] and [color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Glyph's Guild][/b] [@Ninian][@Shiny Keldeo] The support that was offered by everyone was truly touching. Even if they had just met that day, they still offered to risk their lives for him. Devon turned back around to face his new friends with an expression of awe slacking his jaw. [color=darkturquoise]"Guys...."[/color] A happy smile upturned his maw. [color=darkturquoise]"Ember, Selena, Lilisette, Lance, Mirfah, thank you, you're the best! With all of us working together, there's no way we can lose!"[/color] The large following in support of Devon caused the old Guildmaster to smile, closing the book on his desk as he put his hands behind his back and look down at the group. A split second flick of his eyes in Lilisette's direction before the returned to everyone. [color=a0c9a1]"That partner that I was to assign to Devon would merely be one of the many allies that he will gain along his quest. Many times the summoned human forms an entire team of followers to assist them. And it seems that Devon has already done just that."[/color] Another scan of the Pokémon in the room caused a familiar excitement to surge through Glyph like a rushing river. Though, he kept himself composed while letting of a bit of a chuckle. [color=a0c9a1]"You are all welcome to join the Folio Guild, and from this moment forward as it's master, I deem you all members. One moment please."[/color] Spinning around on one round foot, the Flygon walked around to the back of the room. A few small shelves and dressers loaded with even more nick knacks and books squishing a large wood chest with an odd metal lock on it. As Glyph crouched down to fiddle with the lock, Devon leaned in and grinned to the other three recruits. [color=darkturquoise]"Well that was alot easier than I thought it would be huh?"[/color] [color=a0c9a1]"Ah, here we are."[/color] Coming back to the ground and couching down with left arm curved in front of him, Glyph now held six brown messenger bags along it. Two of them were somewhat larger than the other four, a glittering golden oak tree badge was pinned to the flap of each bag. [color=a0c9a1]"These are your official Folio Guild Treasure Bags, filled with many useful items such as a notepad for keeping track of active missions, quill, an ink bottle, two Escape Orbs, a coin purse with two hundred Poké for supplies, a water canteen, a map of the Sand Continent, and a few fresh apples and Oran berries that I collected from my sister's garden just this morning."[/color] As the party collected their bags, Glyph would give a proud smile. [color=a0c9a1]"Though not as glamorous as the equipment used by say the Expedition Society, these supplies should serve you all quite well during your travels."[/color] It seemed like the less glamorous supplies didn't bother Devon. Taking one of the smaller bags that actually fit properly around his small frame, he threw the bag around his shoulder and inspected the shiny badge attached to the flap with his large brown eyes. [color=darkturquoise]"It's ok Glyph! These'll work great! Thanks!"[/color] A soft chuckle escaped the dragon as he stood back to his full height and cleared his throat. [color=a0c9a1]"You're all welcome. Now, for your first task. It is a simple one but none the less important. I want you all to head into town and find a Poliwrath by the name of Brick. He'll be your combat teacher, and will be able to teach you everything on how to survive an encounter with hostiles. For now, I would like you all to avoid any and all combat until you receive his training. If you happen to take notice of any illegal activity, or find a Gardevoir with wings, report it to the nearest Guild member immediately."[/color] A more stern expression washed over the Guildmaster's face as he stared into the eyes of the fresh meat. [color=a0c9a1]"Are we clear?"[/color] Standing stiff, Devon nodded up at the large green mon. [color=darkturquoise]"Yup. I-I uh mean, yes sir."[/color] Spinning around and putting his hands on his hips, he looked around at the rest of the newly made Guild members. [color=darkturquoise]"You guys good to go?"[/color]