[center][h1]Hetalia: International Affairs[/h1] ~ Co-GM: [@flightless-angel-castiel] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/hetalia/images/d/d1/Beautifulworld.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/670?cb=20150806233215[/img][/center] [h2]Intro:[/h2] It's natural that the world can never be peaceful. After all, we're so different. Culture, religion, history and geography have all played a role in how we've become the people we are today. In an alternate universe, countries weren't just an idea. They were [i]real.[/i] Real people, with real personalities and real emotions. They represented both the political and cultural ideas of regions in our world. They fought, they loved, they argued and laughed together. Some alliances ran deep, while others were broken and remade with others, a hundred times over. Centuries passed, and some faded, while others came into being. Wise old empires told their tales to their children, as they were slowly forgotten by the rest of the world. The present day is full of conflict, no different than the centuries before. The question is - how will you change the world? [h2]Info:[/h2] Hetalia is an anime based around the ideas above. The characters themselves are blatant stereotypes of countries and cultures, both past and present. There are many countries to choose from, each with their own personality and history. Some friendships are already made (i.e England and America), and yet others might still be created by you. This roleplay will be semi Slice of Life. There will be opportunities for socialising, romance and friendship. However, there will also always be the fact that they are countries. A squabble might mean a drop in stock markets, or a threat along borders. A one night stand may constitute a new trade agreement between nations. It's really up to [b]you[/b] how they're affected. Interwoven with this freedom will be AUs that affect everyone, and planned events that will shake the entire world. [h2]Rules:[/h2] [list][*] Guild rules, etc [*] Romance, violence - this roleplay can really take any direction. However, please PM me and my co-gm about any ideas for wars or large conflict. [*] I'd love some collaboration - feel free to suggest AU ideas in the OOC! However random, it might be exactly what we need. [*] Although we are dealing with stereotypes, please [b]be respectful.[/b] [*] Current player cap: 6, subject to change. [*] Current character cap: 4, with 2 'main' characters. Subject to change. [*] OCs need to be reasonable stereotypes. Please PM sheets to me and [@flightless-angel-castiel] for approval. [*] A sheet needs to be filled in, even if your character is canon. [*] Characters are first-come, first-served. If you do not submit a sheet within a reasonable time, I will un-reserve your character(s). [*] If you disappear/leave and another roleplayer wishes to take the place of your character, that character will be reborn as a new OC. If your character was an OC, the character may be reborn as the canon. [*] Minimum post length of 1 paragraph, preferred length of 2. [*] My co-gm [@flightless-angel-castiel] and I hold the right to change these at any time[/list] [h2]Characters:[/h2] Wiki for further information: [url]http://hetalia.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Hetalia:_Axis_Powers_characters[/url] Main: [list] [*] [s]Canada[/s] ~ [@flightless-angel-castiel] [*] China [*] England [*] [s]France[/s] ~ [@Chicogal] [*] [s]Germany[/s] ~ [@Hurrfer] [*] [s]Japan[/s] ~ [@Aline] [*] North Italy [*] Russia [*] [s]United States of America[/s] ~ [@flightless-angel-castiel][/list] Minor: [list][*] Australia [*] Austria [*] Belarus [*] Belgium [*] Bulgaria [*] Cameroon [*] Cuba [*] Cyprus [*] [s]Denmark[/s] ~ [@Chicogal] [*] Egypt [*] Estonia [*] Finland [*] Greece [*] Hong Kong [*] Hungary [*] Iceland [*] Korea - I will allow this to be split into North/South. [*] Latvia [*] Liechtenstein [*] Lithuania [*] Luxembourg [*] Macau [*] Moldova [*] Monaco [*] Netherlands [*] New Zealand [*] [s]Norway[/s] ~ [@Chicogal] [*] Poland [*] Portugal [*] [s]Prussia[/s] ~ [@Hurrfer] [*] [s]Romania[/s] ~ [@flightless-angel-castiel] [*] Sealand [*] Seychelles [*] South Italy [*] Spain [*] Sweden [*] Switzerland [*] [s]Taiwan[/s] ~ [@Aline] [*] Thailand [*] Turkey [*] Ukraine [*] Vietnam[/list] [h2]Character Sheet:[/h2] Feel free to add more images, or suggest extra sections! [hider=Character Sheet][code] [u][center][h1]Title[/h1][/center][/u] [ hr][ hr] [center][img]Pic - anime or real[/img][/center] [ hr][ hr] [i][color=?][h3][center]"Quote"[/center][/h3][/color][/i] [center][indent]Author[/indent][/center] [ hr][ hr] [b][color=?]Country name:[/color][/b] [b][color=?]Human name:[/color][/b] [b][color=?]Gender:[/color][/b] [b][color=?]Orientation:[/color][/b] [b][color=?]Date founded:[/color][/b] [ hr][ hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [ hr][ hr] [b][color=?]Personality:[/color][/b] [b][color=?]Appearance:[/color][/b] [ hr][ hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [ hr][ hr] [b][color=?]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=?]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=?]Brief History:[/color][/b] [At least 2 paragraphs - not to be 'RP'd out.' [color=?][b]Extras:[/b][/color] [/code][/hider]