[center][h1][color=silver]Jessica Sterling[/color]/[color=black]Klaus Van Untergang[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/56d3b1e978ec8368deee563e4436891a/tumblr_o783g7BIJv1vq9gjno1_500.gif[/img] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-04/enhanced/webdr05/17/22/anigif_enhanced-buzz-5271-1397789165-4.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Cafeteria [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Each other; mentions of Keats, Lucas, Elijah, Brenna and Gianna [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Anxious → Guilty → Angry → Creeped out → Totally Done with this crazy mofo → Reluctant agreement → Excited [/center] Jessica stepped into the cafeteria, her heart threatening to burst. [color=silver][i]What the hell am I doing?[/i][/color] Sterling spotted Clark and Dawn the moment she entered the building. The two of them were standing in the midst of a number of other students she didn't recognize. All but one of them were total strangers. But the one she knew... [color=silver][i]Why is he here?![/i][/color] Doubt and anxiety were familiar entities in Jess's turbulent life. She'd grown accustomed to their constant appearance long ago. Yet, on occasion, that dastardly pair would surprise her when she least expected it. How could she have guessed that Klaus Van Untergang, literal Nazi fearmonger, would be meeting her for breakfast? Every fiber of her being told Jessica to turn around and leave without looking back. That man was trouble. She was so curious, though. Clark had mentioned a plan to pull Gianna down from her throne. Daniels and her thralls had made life for Jessica and her friends a living hell ever since she showed up at Mayweather a month ago. Almost every one of Sterling's problems could be traced back to that bitch. Life would be so much simpler if she just...ceased to exist. But working with Klaus? That was wrong. A disgusting, perverse corruption of Jessica's morality. How could she justify throwing away everything she believed in? [color=silver][i]Eliana...[/i][/color] Every memory of every fight Lovelace had fought against Lucas came crashing to the forefront of Invincible's mind. Every tear the Dream Catcher had shed. Every wound that needed to be healed. Every battle she had fought. Eliana was the closest thing Jessica had to a best friend, even if Sterling refused to acknowledge that. Lovelace had put herself between Gianna's lapdog and Milo more times than Jess could count. All those times, Jess had watched her friend fight while she sat to the side and did [b]nothing.[/b] She could only imagine how much heartbreak could've been avoided if she had only stepped in earlier. [color=silver][i]Every time that bastard has hurt Eliana...That's been my fault.[/i][/color] [b][color=black]"Miss Sterling?"[/color][/b] Jessica looked up. Klaus was motioned for her to come forward. Hesitantly, she placed one foot forward. And then another. It wasn't long before Sterling was standing before Untergang and his band of liars, thieves and murderers. [color=black][b]"I can't tell you how delighted I am that you decided to join us this fine morning. Please, take a seat."[/b][/color] Jessica pulled out a chair opposite of the Hitlerite and did so. [color=silver]"If I had known I was meeting Captain Nazi, I don't think I would've shown up."[/color] Klaus merely smiled at Jess's venomous tone.[b][color=black] "Oh, I'm well aware of my reputation. That is why I had Clark and Dawn invite you instead of doing so myself. Forgive my deception, dearest, but I know you'll be more than willing once you hear my proposal."[/color][/b] Jessica crossed her arms and cocked her head, doubtful that Klaus could ever convince her to help him. [color=silver]"Fine. I'm listening."[/color] Clark took a step toward the table and tossed down a small pile of Manila folders. [color=black][b]"Excellent. Let us begin."[/b][/color] Jessica removed the first folder from the pile and opened it up. Inside was what looked like a rap sheet for Delphina's queen herself. [color=silver]"What the hell is this?"[/color] The information contained in the folder was staggeringly detailed. Things no one would've known without careful observation over the course of many months. It was creepy, disconcerting and a gross breach of privacy. [b][color=black]"You must be aware, miss Sterling, that I've known Gianna since she was a Freshman. She's very different from the girl I met when I first arrived at Delphina. She's changed, and not for the better. Without her...second half...to guide her, Daniels is bringing this school to ruin. Her putrid excuse for a reign is breeding nothing but weakness! I remember a day when a Mayweather wouldn't even dare to look a Delphina in the eye, they were so afraid of us. Look at us now. We're nothing but petty pranksters and muckrakers! How can hope to change the world when all that I have at my back are braindead children like Samuel Keats and spineless worms like Elijah Masterson?! USELESS, THE LOT OF THEM."[/color][/b] Klaus slowly sat back in his chair, adjusting his collar. All eyes were on him as he silently stared at Jessica's dumbstruck expression. [color=black][b]"You think me mad."[/b][/color] Klaus sighed. [b][color=black]"Perhaps I am mad. But I'd rather Delphina follow a madman than a weak-willed little girl."[/color][/b] Jessica pushed her chair back and stood to her feet. [color=silver]"This was a mistake. You're crazy-"[/color] Klaus slammed his hand down on the table, raising his voice. [b][color=black]"Would you be a dear and SIT. DOWN. I am not done yet."[/color][/b] [color=black][b]"Look. You're not doing this for me, I know that. You're here because Gianna has hurt people you care about, and you want her gone. So do I. the moment we beat her we can go back to being moral enemies. In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. If I had my way, we'd go back to the way things used to be. Back to a time when everything was black and white. Everyone knew which side they were on. Now its all just...grey. Do you know how many of my followers are Mayweather students? It's mind blowing to think about it. So many good people are sick and tired of the way the world's spinning. They want change and they don't care where it comes from. If you agree to help me dethrone Gianna, I'll agree to a sit down with Samantha. She's generally considered Mayweather's leading lady, yes? We can discuss a way to keep the peace between our two schools. All I need is for you to sit back down."[/b][/color] Jessica slid back into the chair. [color=silver]"What do you need me to do?"[/color] She whispered. Klaus opened up the remaining folders and spread them across the lunch table for Sterling to see. [b][color=black]"Samuel Keats. Lucas Farweight. Elijah Masterson. Brenna Lancaster. These four represent Daniels' closest assets. If we are going to destroy her, we must first take down her pillars of support. Only then will she be vulnerable. I'd suggest going after Lucas and Samuel first. They're the veritable muscle of her little group, and are most likely to cause you trouble down the road. Elijah will be...tricky...but for other reasons. Brenna rarely leaves Gianna's side, which will prove problematic in and of itself. Once they're dealt with, I'll assist you in breaking Daniels. Physical force alone will not be enough for her. Before we begin, you should known that this will not be easy. Our operation will take time. And patience. And above all, savagery. You cannot let your morals get in the way of finishing the job. Can you do that, miss Sterling?"[/color][/b] [color=silver]"When do we start?"[/color]