Chester was rummaging around the town with Lina, looking for a place to eat - they heard that there was this one place that made really good seafood, they were gonna go for some Seamonkey sushi. The place was a few blocks to the east, Chester recalled. It was under the Rollout Bridge, past the 'Rodeotower' which was a tower where they had different floors of Rodeos on - pretty crazy stuff, Chester knew that Rodeo was a pretty big thing in the Grandline, but this was the only place in all of the North Blue where they held it, it was quite a tourist trap. They went under the bridge, and as they emerged on the other side, Chester heard a whizzling sound above him, he looked up, his hand in front of his eyes to block the sun from blinding him, as he looked up, he saw a dark shape - the shape got closer, too quickly for him to figure out what was happening. The shape - turned out to be a briefcase, crashing into his forehead, sending the pirate to the ground. "Sonofabitch!" Chester cried, holding his head, rubbing the spot that that had gotten hit. "Who's throwing rocks from bridges? Swear to god, I'mma bust his windpipe!" Chester yelled, agonized in pain. "Someone call a medic, I need anastetics, like alcohol!" He sat up, not rubbing his head anymore. "Actually, a drink would be nice."