[img]http://img02.deviantart.net/b724/i/2016/143/0/c/shield_hulkling_wip_by_rasema-da3i5fv.jpg [/img] [b]Player Name:[/b] Drewvonawesome [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Theodore “Teddy" Altman [b]Alias:[/b] Hulkling [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Good [b]Affiliation:[/b] SHIELD, Young Avengers [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] For as long as Teddy could remember, he had always lived and knew about SHIELD. He never really knew his father, his mother when pressed on the subject always told him he was a great man. However he was a great man who couldn't be there because of difficult circumstances. Still because of Teddy's mom working a high profile job in SHIELD's research department. Her work was mostly in otherworldly species, either ones discovered by astronomical projects or suspected to be living on Earth. Because of her work mostly involving working on the main helicarrier meant Teddy mostly spent his early years on the ship. He was well liked by personal, Dum Dum Dugan even lets Teddy refer to him as ‘Uncle Dum'. Teddy had a few friends on the ship his age, but considering the dangers associated with living on the helicarrier not many on board were willing to let their kids live there. Thus Teddy's friends growing up were few and far between. As Teddy grew up he knew he wanted to be a part of SHIELD himself and actually serve himself. His mom was encouraging about it, but those who knew her knew how worried she was about the possibility. Not just because of the dangers, but she admitted she was worried ‘certain people' were out there looking for him. Though she kept all that from Teddy, not at all sure how to talk to him about it. Teddy though had his own doubts about making it in SHIELD. He was to put it lightly, fairly skinny and not well built as he went through puberty. That all changed when one night he went to bed a normal, scrawny kid. Waking up to be a green muscular monster. Though freaked out at first, Teddy quickly realized that these powers of his, where ever they came from. Made him more than capable of excelling in SHIELD. He got through all the training and became an agent in record time. All the while his mother was concerned, but outwardly very encouraging for him. Teddy's abilities and his personality have given him duel roles when sent out on assignments. His powers allow him to handle high end missions even given his inexperience. His warm personality and ability to shapeshift into a normal person giving him peacekeeping assignments. Its busy work, but Teddy takes it all in stride, very much happy being a SHIELD agent. That same personality has made him a hit with a lot of people in SHIELD. His approachable, a bit on the goofy side, and very much a nerd with an affinity for superheroes either real or in comic book. [b]Season 1 Summary:[/b] Mostly was out handling odds and ends for SHIELD, also him and his mom took a trip to Disneyworld. It was awesome! [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] Teddy's main ability comes from being able to shapeshift. While he has his ‘normal' appearance, with his blond hair, and fit 6'2 frame. Teddy typically transforms into a 6‘8 green half human, half alien looking form. With scales on his shoulders, clawed hands, and dragon like wings that sprout out of his back. Outside of that though Teddy can change into other people, but he cannot replicate their powers if they have any. His powers can also protect him at a subconscious level from any vital organs getting shot or pierced, and heal faster than normal. On top of that, Teddy has superhuman strength. His current limits being a vertical press of around 10 tons. [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] When the Young Avengers program begins naturally Hulkling is among the first considered for it. Which he happily accepts, seeing how he can become a full pledge superhero by doing so. Comfortably open in his homosexuality, Teddy in his works ends up meeting a mysterious magical using young man. Despite said young man's annoying speedster twin brother, the sparks fly between the two. Finally learning the truth about his powers, and his family's history. Starts a dangerous and very hostile situation for all those around Teddy.