A childish grin spread across Trevor's face, again with the same sort of wolfish charm. "Apparently," he began slowly, speaking in a low voice. His tone carried as though he had some rich gossip to share, and not merely the latest ridiculous rumor dreamed up by their criminally-bored classmates. "There is a vampire in our modest town. They say it's not safe to go out at night, or he'll suck your blood." They were back at the school at this point, and Trevor giggled innocently as he held the main door open for Izzy. "This one really tops them all, huh? I heard he's tall and blond and beautiful, and he doesn't have a shadow. So says an apparent 'eyewitness report.'" Trevor laughed again, but his expression sobered slightly as he entered the school behind Izzy. "I'm surprised you didn't hear this one. I know that all of the girls are buzzing about it."