[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/6/6e/Young_Avengers_Presents_Hulkling_(2008)_Marvel_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20150410182755[/img][/center] Teddy Altman had a love/hate relationship with gyms and working out. On the one hand Teddy was never one to be hesitant to admit that should he have a chance. He’d be in his place on the helicarrier, drinking sodas, playing Super Smash Bros with some of his SHIELD friends, all trying to come up with God awful puns using character names. “I LINK you need to reevaluate your plan there pal.” “That game was the PIT." That kind of thing. Teddy wouldn’t mind procrastinating working out if he thought he could get away with it. Still once he was there it was never a bad experience. Put on some music from his smart phone and into his headphones. Do some cardio, lift an ungodly sized amount of weights. It always was a good time, especially for the looks he could get. doing so. Still even as he laid on the weight bench. Hoisting a massive bar holding weights that would normally require multiple people to even put onto said bar, and doing so like it was nothing. Teddy had to admit he was getting kind of bored at the moment. SHIELD haven’t had a lot going on for him to do. Granted he did have his schedule cleared up a bit for the vacation to Disneyworld with his mom. Still it wasn’t normal to have to go out of your way to find things to take care of when you work for a place like SHIELD. “Will Agent Teddy Altman please report to debriefing room C? Agent Altman to debriefing room C. Thank you.” Just like that, it was time to work. As he let the weight bar come back down onto the rack with resounding ‘THUD!’. Teddy reached over and grabbed a towel to wipe his face of the mild sweat that had formed. For the most part he looked normal at the moment. Though a good bit taller than most agents at around 6‘8. He had a frame which although impressive, hid just how freakishly strong he actually was. Still there were flecks of green on his skin visible from under his black gym shorts and SHIELD tanktop. It always happened when he was in his ‘normal’ form as he usually put it, and straining himself on weights. He wasn’t sure if it was something he should be concerned with, but never something he looked into personally. After showing, and heading back to change out of his gym gear and into his proper SHIELD attire. Teddy was a bit curious what was going to be his assignment. It had been slow for him so it possible they were going to give him something slow to get back into the swing of things with. Which he wasn’t that thrilled with thinking about. He wanted action, he wanted to do his thing. It was partly why he joined SHIELD in the first place. Still opening the door to one of the smaller debriefing rooms Teddy smiled as he saw the legendary Howling Commando himself Dum Dum Dugan. Or as he liked to refer to him as... “Hey Uncle Dum, what’s up?” Dugan chuckled softly to himself, it had been Teddy’s nickname for him as long as he knew the agent. Sure it always under minded his tough exterior. But he couldn’t even bring himself to make Teddy stop calling him that. “One of these days kid you’re going to outgrow calling me that...” Dugan pointed out as he finished his cigar, putting it out in a glass ashtray. “Hardly.” Teddy told Dugan, flashing his cheeky grin as he gave Dugan a salute, which Dugan returned, before Teddy took his seat. “Alright so let me cut to the chase Agent Altman. The reason we’ve been keeping you out of action for the last week is we’ve been considering you for what is a pretty substance promotion.” Dugan started, which immediately caught both Teddy’s attention and imagination. “We’ve started a subset for the Avengers Initiative for younger meta humans. Right now its just known as the ‘Young Avengers Initiative’. So far it’s being headed up by America Chavez, one of the Avengers. However Teddy we believe the group could use a little more SHIELD experience. Experience we believe you can bring while fitting in with the rest of the group’s age range. Now right now we just want to know...” Before Dugan could even finish Teddy was already up out of his chair and leaning his hand down on the small table in front of him. “Ohmygod YES YES YES YES YES YES YES HOLY CRAP YES!” Teddy’s eyes were beaming. Not only was it a promotion but it was involving the Avengers?! Teddy dreamed of being a superhero and now it was pretty much all but confirmed. Sure it was with a subset of the Avengers, but it wasn’t something Teddy would be insane enough to pass up. Dugan couldn’t help but chuckle at Agent Altman’s eagerness. The kid had the kind of spunk he wished other agents had. Helped the kid could go undercover and wreck a tank with his bare hands at the same time though. “Alright alright Teddy I thought you’d be interested. Either way if you’re as I’m predicting you are. We’re going to have you assigned co-captain of the squad. Ms. Chavez still has her role with the Avengers so we can’t depend on her to lead the squad all the time. So if she does have other matters we’ll be having the team depend on you. Otherwise we would like you to assist Chavez in leading the squad. We know you’ve absorbed a lot of the knowledge we’ve taught you during SHIELD training. Hopefully you can use that to make sure Chavez grows as a leader.” Teddy was still beaming as he awkwardly let himself re-seated and situated. It was his dream, real, and he felt like all the hard work had now started to pay off with something awesome. “Sir, with all due respect I promise to fulfill all of that. I’m absolutely honored to be given the chance and I won’t let you or anyone else down!” Teddy remarked almost needing to catch his breath from the good news. He couldn’t wait to tell his mom. “I know you won’t. Still this also means we’re sending you out for your first assignment with them pretty much immediately.” Turning on the screen behind him Dugan gestured towards the digital picture of a young Hispanic man. “This is one of the people you’ll be working with. Name’s Humberto Lopez. Codename Reptil. He gained his powers to change part of his body into forms of dinosaurs when his parents, who worked for us in our Science division as palaeontologists, took him out to a dig site where he found a rare artifact. This artifact absorbed into him but not before it ended up changing another scientist out in the field. A Dr. Vincent Stegron. Dr. Stegron had been transformed into some kind of mutated dinosaur man figure. Humberto escaped the scene only to return to the scene with his parents and Dr. Stegron missing. Chavez personally had asked us for information pertaining to Dr. Stegron’s location and recently we believe to have found him out in the Savage Lands. While we don’t know if Lopez’s parents are with him the mission is to locate Dr. Stegron and if they are, rescue them and bring them back safely. Any questions?” Admittedly the mission was to Teddy, putting it mildly, pretty fucked up. Still, one of the first things you learn as a SHIELD agent is that your idea of messed up is going to be trampled on in no time. Its even an inside joke among SHIELD agents when their “broken time” was. That moment that they witnessed so crazy and surreal that completely broke their sense of reality. Still Teddy was already itching to go in, as the mission did sound like one he felt he had to be a part of. His mom was a scientist with SHIELD as well, so he felt for Humberto and wanted to help as best he could. “No sir, has Ms. Chavez been given the news yet about me?” Teddy asked. “Not yet, we’ve been busy setting the mission up when the superiors gave the call for you to be brought into the program. Though we believe she should be fine given with the decision knowing the circumstances. Now unless you need to know anything else, we need you to report to training room D where the others are.” Dugan reached into a nearby small podium which he pulled out of a folder he slide across the table to Teddy. “This contains information on not only Chavez but Lopez and also a Kate Bishop who is also on the team. Go ahead and read up on them on your way over.” Teddy gave Dugan the nod that showed he understood. Standing up with the two of them saluting one another before Teddy started to leave the debriefing room. “Oh and Agent Altman?” Dugan asked, leaving Teddy to pause at the door. “Hopefully you can give them a sample of what you’re capable of. They should know we’re giving them a very high quality teammate with some capable abilities.” Dugan told him with a smile. “Sure thing Uncle Dum.” Teddy couldn’t help but grin again. “Get the Hell out of here Agent before I personally retract the offer...” Dugan frustratedly told Teddy but trying to hold back a laugh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Letting himself transform into what he jokingly called ‘work’ mode. Teddy Altman arrived to the observation area of the training room. Slightly taller at just under seven feet tall, more muscular. Most notably though with a green complexion all over, sharp clawed hands, what seemed like padded shoulders with multiple layers to them. Most of all large dragon like wings which he kept tucked in against his back. “Uh hello? Sorry if I’m interrupting but I’m here to uh...” Teddy wasn’t exactly sure how to introduce himself. Since at the moment he looked like a monsterous seven foot green machine that most likely sounded like a babbling idiot. “I’m here reporting for the group. SHIELD is having me join your squadron acting as co-leader alongside Ms. Chavez. Sorry for the short notice, but I have been breached on the situation.” Teddy noted waving the manilla folder he had been reading on the way over. “So Mr. Lopez let me go ahead and say with my mom also working with SHIELD I’m more than ready and willing for this.” He assured Humberto. His tone making it clear he understood the ramifications. There was a brief awkward pause before Teddy piped in again. "Uh oh also this is just to kind of show you guys what I can do since um... oh hold on...” Suddenly Teddy began to change out of the green form he was in and back into his human looking self. “This whole like... transforming... thing?” Teddy wasn’t sure at all how to phrase it. Shrugging awkwardly as he finished speaking. “Anyways, sorry... uh as you were saying America.”