[color=blue][b]~Asher~[/b][/color] Icy glazed blue eyes continued to blankly stare at the ceiling as a boy was mentally cursing himself for not being deaf instead of being blind. When they threw him in the room with Gabe, Ash didn’t think the two would have a problem…since he couldn’t see to judge the book the initial emotional read he gathered seemed to show an average person, not malicious or any other of that sort. Unfortunately, none of this information let him know his roommate snored like a bear in hibernation. The idea of sleep was unthinkable. Even when the intercom went off and the doors opened the noise did not cease. Taking the only pillow out from under his own head he threw it without removing his eyes from the endless space above him; still, he managed a direct hit at Gabe’s face. Finally, hearing a stir from his roommate he figured the bear awakened. Throwing his legs over the side of his bed he looked out towards the door, he could see the living aura of a girl pass by…she avoided eye contact with him. He could tell the aura was of the Luna girl. Lunafry? Lunafree? Lunafreya? He couldn’t remember. Standing up and stretching his attention went back to the aura in the room. [color=blue] “I never thought it was possible but if I could be Helen Keller right now I would. What are you? A moaning Chewbacca? I never knew someone could snore so loud.” [/color] The tone was half teasing as the last thing he wanted was to start off wrong with the person he'd be living with. [i]So they actually get wake up calls around here. I wonder what the food is like. I mean it has to be better than what I got….no don’t think about it.[/i] Asher was still trying to get use to everything here and struggling to understand the schedule, always off a beat, something he hated. At the least maybe he could find a friend around here. Someone who gets along with the other patients. He needed to get them to understand they were different but he would have to gain trust first. The task alone a foreign concept to him. [color=blue] “You better get up before breakfast gets eaten without you.” [/color] Maybe his roommate would be a good start. Or that girl he saw this morning. Then again they might hate him. Ash was never sure about people. [@duskshine749]