[center][h3][color=00a651]Gren[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]Location[/color]: Folio Trunk - Town Path Floor 8 [color=00a651]Activity[/color]: Walking into the Trunk[/center] Looking down, Gren didn't want to answer all these questions. He was afraid that if he was honest that they would all turn back and he'd lose time. True, the pokemon who lived down there likely could take care of themselves. But Gren didn't know that. He didn't know anything. And he didn't like the idea of just sitting around [i]waiting[/i] for the answer to come to him. But that's why he's a bit stupid. He turned to Letho to answer his question first. [color=00a651]"A friend of mines told me. Her name is Seraph. She said there was a pokemon down there as smart as the Sybil, but I won't need a special meeting to find them. I... I don't even know what sort of pokemon they are. I just sorta figured we'd go down there and ask any pokemon that won't fight us...."[/color] The more he spoke the more Gren felt like he just needed to go. He knew if he stayed too long, if he said too much, that the other pokemon would stop him knowing that he was going to leave with or without them. Gren walked towards the stairs, ready to roll out if he needed to.