[b]New Orleans. Saturday, 10:45PM The Nespado Hotel.[/b] It had taken Dr. Falcier most of the day to find his way to The Nespado. Today had been his last day of teaching before his extended leave of absence took place and the mysteries surrounding his sudden leave was all the buzz around LSU. As he pondered about the kids in his classes he couldn't help but noticed that many were around the same age as he when his journey into the occult, and he knew when he looked into the mirror that he would still see that same young man that had been so full of hope. Finally the sun had set and Falcier's true world began to unfold, the world of shadows and magic a world that only lived in the imgainations of authors. The travel from Baton Rouge to New Orleans had not been a very difficult one, traffic had been relativley mild compared to most days during the week, espically Saturday on the roads to one of the biggest party cities in the world. If they only knew the true history behind the facade that they paraded upon. Falcier walked upon the city streets and watched as the less responsible members of society spent their hard earned money in what had become a nest of sin and debouchery, in the back of his mind Falcier could feel the Shadow-man speaking to him in fettered tongues telling him to begin making deals and wisking souls away to empower the Loa's power within him. It was everything that he could do to keep himself from doing just that. The more he traveled down the winding city streets the more he remembered the darker more secluded side of town, where every shadow has a name and he knew everyone by heart. Finally at long last he stood in front of The Nespado, the magical neutral ground on which all magicans stood on. The last time he visited this seeming "holy ground" he had visited Remi about some research notes that aided him in his latest paper. Remi...the reason that he was here, the reason he knew his friends would be coming here as well. [b][center]~*~[/center][/b] It had taken some considerable time to make his way up to Remi's room, every trudging familiar step Falcier could feel his heart racing, for the first time in a very long time Steven was actually scared of what he was going to find. His mind ran through every possibility and suddenly with the added notion of the woman with the impressive figurehad been following in the same trail as he was. How strange that the woman would enter his mind as he reached the outside of Remi's door only to hear a voice finally attached to the woman that he was following. The comment about the disembodied voice was also a concern to Falcier as he could not make heads or tails of where it came from, although there was a spot in the room that seemed to hold a more shadows than normal so he could only assume that that was where the voice came from. [b]"Well as we all can see, at least the most of us are here for a similar reason. Ah, my name is Dr. Steven Falcier, Mrs..?'[/b] As he waited for the woman to answer Falcier looked towards Johan who still was pulling off the angry viking look, and to someone as old as Steven the look was something that he could not understand. Where Steven kept to suits he just could not understand Johan's look of a deranged fisherman. Still Falcier could not deny Johan's prowess in the arcane arts and he was still a friend of his. [b]"Hello Winter, it has been a while has it not?"[/b]