[color=darkred][b]♠Saria♠[/b][/color] A slender ivory finger with nails similar to the color of drying blood found their way across the table of buttons to land squarely on the one for use of the intercom. Pressing down, the object lit up as a crisp velvety voice projected itself throughout the halls of the asylum. [color=darkred] “Good morning Patients of Mooncrest Island. The doors will now be opening, allowing for access to the cafeteria. As usual the doors will remain open until curfew tonight. Breakfast will be served until 9. That is all from your Warden.”[/color] Releasing the button, the fingers then moved methodically to press the unit door release. Clicking her tongue against her teeth Saria hissed in irritation. The delivery for the fresh supplies was late and she was not one to uphold tardiness of any sort nor such a blatant disrespect towards her preference of organization. Though she believed the putrid rats in this hole deserved to be unhappy, she herself would be the one to bring it, not those from the outside. Grabbing her walky-talky off her belt, she grasped the side so hard one would think it would break from the pressure, [color=darkred] “Kyle, tell the delivery services if they are ever late on another run that they will answer to me. Personally. Make sure you get the message across…I know how [i]persuasive[/i] you can be.” [/color] The manipulative voice almost cooed at the man, causing him to do her bidding with pace. Saria had most of the male workers under her thumb, from doctors to kitchen staff, they couldn't resist her charm. They had no idea how venomous she truly was. Sighing to herself she mentally noted, [i] There doesn’t seem to be a single competent person in this entire compound. Honestly, they are lucky I’m patient.[/i] Placing the device back at her side she placed her hat upon her head, grabbed her ring of keys, and made her way out the door. She usually made runs around the complex to make sure everything was in order; however, today she needed to check by the cafeteria before going on with her duties. [i] I’m sure a certain someone would be happy to know I’m there[/i] A devilish smirk crossed her lips, the heels of her boots clicking against the flooring as she made her way down the hallow halls.