Biting on the end of her pen, Gwen watched as dozens of spiders started making various webs around her own single web, working together. Writing it down in one of her many journals, looking back she failed to hear the knock at her door, followed by her name. This time banging, Gwen fell from the ceiling, suddenly surprised and quickly jumped to the door, opening the door a little to see a girl with her arms crossed. [color=ed145b]"I have like five more hours don't I?"[/color] looking back at the clock in her room. [b]"Gwen you have said that every single time i've come to tell you that you need to get ready for class. You quite literally said and i quote[/b] [color=ed145b]"Hey i'm probably gunna procrastinate, i need you to be on my ass today, I cant miss class this semester"[/color][b]"[/b] she tapped her foot as Gwen started to move the door to let the girl in, moving back mountains of journals, books and papers, Gwen left the door open and quickly grabbed a small bag to take to the class and put her cloths in when she was ready for combat training. [color=ed145b]"I dont remember saying that, but thank you, you dont be late either, i know you have a class in"[/color] checking her phone quickly [color=ed145b]"about two minutes, so get going, dont worry about me, besides Peter is teaching the class today, so even if im late, i should be able to talk my way out of it"[/color] the girl laughed and shook her head [color=ed145b]"Thanks again!"[/color] she got a no problem, before the girl disappeared from view. Swinging the bag over her should, she grabbed her mask off her desk, looking around and making sure she had everything, before closing her door and quickly making her way towards the class. Upon arriving, she saw that she also wasn't the only one running a little late and gave a sigh of relief, starting to take off her hoodie and sweatpants, revealing she was wearing her suit under. She folded her cloths and put it in the small backpack, before standing next to Peter [color=ed145b]"Mr.Parker, looking as dashing as ever I see? How ya doing Petey"[/color] saying the last part a little quieter as to not come off disrespectful in front of the other students, though if you knew the type of relationship that Peter and Gwen had prior and currently, then that instantly clear up any confusion about the way she acted towards him.