Silver stifled a yawn as he looked over the battlefield from a higher elevation on his Slyph fighter. This had to be the fourteenth fight in a row or was it the tenth? It had been a busy two weeks and he had forgotten how many times he had to take to the skies to fend off these attackers. He adjusted his goggles before grabbing the controls of his fighter and diving back into the fray while issuing orders to the pilots under his command with a combination of hand signals and bursts from his short range radio. The guns on the Slyph fighters weren't strong enough to do any serious damage to the other pirate's ship, but they could handle taking out gunners on deck as well as other fighters. His job would just consist of dogfighting other Slyphs and making attack runs along the decks of the ships. Silver cursed his luck as he ended up in a diving barrel roll as a burst of rounds whizzed past his head nearly ending his short life. Kingsly finally leveled out his fighter underneath the battling sky ships only to be jumped upon by two hostile fighters that had just been launched. Yelling curses at the other two pilots, Silver put the nose of his Slyph towards the sky before killing the engine and letting it flip over as the two enemies shot past him in a matter of seconds. Firing off a short burst as he started up his engine again and followed after the sole remaining fighter into a turning battle. The fight didn't take long as Silver fluttered his left engine to cut his turn shorter and was able to get a bead on the other pilot before he knew what had happened. As he watched the other ship tumble into the Eternal Ocean below, he covered up another yawn as he shook off the encroaching fatigue that was slowly overtaking his body. This was not the time to be tired though as there was still more work that needed to be done before they could take a nice long rest. Soon they would be able to relax on Sheol for the upcoming festival which Silver was looking forward to as he had not been to Sheol in over 9 years and wondered how his parents were doing. He shook his head as these were thoughts for another time as he quickly gained altitude back toward the roar of men and cannons.