Hanz shuts his mouth, for the time being. He then follows the staff to the infirmary so that he can get himself patched up. He's still not too happy, but he's surprised that someone spoke his language around here. of course, it's a small world and you can learn whatever you want, but still."Lucky huh..if I did not knov better, I'd assume zat ze trial ve vent zrough vas not ze trial ve vere supposed to be part of.." He mutters to himself, although not too quietly."But surely in such a fine establishment, zat vould not be ze case, right?" he then asks from the nurse helping him walk. He doesn't get a response and shrugs it off. What a fine day to start with indeed. Hanz looks around the infirmary from his bed. Personally, he did not think that he needed one. He glances over when Whisper wakes up, and upon noticing that she was fine, he turned his eyes away from her to see if anyone else from the combat unit, Avary, Jake or John were there with them. He shrugs and grunts, definitely a bad idea with his arm burn like that. Luckily he had focused his wind armor to that specific arm for the strike, so the acid had not dug in too deep. His eyes wander and see his uniform's jacket."Such a sad sight.." He sighs. The right sleeve was completely gone, right side of it had been burned full of holes and some of the buttons have melted, further ruining the fabric. There was no saving that thing at this point."Zere goes around 700..." He grumbles."Not to mention zat jacket..another one to zat. Hm..I vonder if I also have to pay for zis treatment." He shakes his head again slightly and lays back, closing his eyes."Chat a fine day..so, vhat are ve doing tomorrov?"