[center][color=ed1c24][b][h1]DEADPOOL[/h1][/b][/color][img]http://static.tumblr.com/2b95a02223c80217d03825d00ee20dd3/jcrqxkr/VZMmy2p58/tumblr_static_dark_deadpool.jpg[/img] “Did someone say chimichanga?”[/center] [color=ed1c24][b][hr][/b][/color] [color=ed1c24][b][hr][/b][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]Real Name[/b][/color] Wade Wilson [color=ed1c24][b]Height[/b][/color] 6'2" [color=ed1c24][b]Weight[/b][/color] 210 lbs. [color=ed1c24][b]Age[/b][/color] 42 [hr] [b][hr][/b] [color=ed1c24][b]Powers[/b] [/color] Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. As such, he can regrow severed limbs or vital organs. The speed at which this healing factor works varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage Deadpool suffers. This healing factor also affords Deadpool a virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases and an extended life span. Unlike Wolverine (James Howlett), Wolverine’s natural healing factor, Deadpool’s is mentally driven to a partial extent. Due to the presence of this superhuman healing ability, many of Deadpool's natural physical attributes have been enhanced. Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. His natural strength, agility and reflexes have been enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural limits of the human body. Deadpool's agility and reaction time are superior to those of even the finest human athlete. [hr] [hr] [color=ed1c24]Bio[/color] Born Wade Wilson, Deadpool’s parents both died by the time he reached his teens. Becoming a delinquent who was ejected from the military for bad behavior, Wilson was soon diagnosed with cancer. As part of a superhuman enhancement project that would have him receive natural healing abilities like Wolverine of the X-Men, his cancer was sent into overdrive, leaving him heavily scarred and with neurological damage. After he was sent to a facility for rejects of the experiment, his abilities activated and he escaped. He went on to become a mercenary known for using a multitude of weapons, including his mouth.