[center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSCwn4oVEAA9V2S.jpg[/img][/center] [center][quote]“With great power, comes great responsibility."[/quote] - Benjamin Parker[/center] [color=red]Name:[/color][indent] [sub]Peter Benjamin Parker[/sub] [/indent] [color=red]Alias:[/color][indent] [sub]The Spectacular Spider-Man[/sub] [/indent] [color=red]Age:[/color][indent] [sub]19 Years Old.[/sub] [/indent] [hr] [color=red]Powers:[/color][indent] [sub][b]Super Strength[/b] - Spidey has the ability of super strength. He can hit harder than the normal human, and he could pick up a car. He could kill a person if he had hit them hard enough, he just limits his strength because he doesn't like to kill people. It is possible that he could maybe even lift something like a helicopter, or stop a train. But this would take a lot of stamina out of him, and he'd really need a breather. Basically the natural abilities of super strength. [b]Enhanced Agility[/b] - Spidey could make any pro athlete run for their money. When he was bit by the radioactive spider, it gave him great agility. He can do the usual back-flip, front-flip, and other tricks. The thing is, he can do them 10 times better than anyone. He can even make his own moves that would even make an athlete drop their jaw. He can do a lot of tricks in the air as well, entertaining anyone watching him. [b]Wallcrawling[/b] - He can do what ever a spider can. And this is actually literal, from the radioactive bite he had the ability to climb walls. And he can do this without any gear at all. It's his hands and foots that can do this. This is because he was given micro structures in his hands, sort of like a spider. They are basically tiny sticky hairs that help him climb. It is a little freaky, but is invisible to the human eye. And if someone gave him a handshake, they wouldn't feel the structures. [b]Web Shooter[/b] - As the smart guy he is. Peter created himself web shooters to help him swing around town. It is very good way for transportation. He hides the web shooters under his costume, and has a tiny little hole where the webs can come out. He fires the web by doing the iconic hand pose. This isn't useful just for transportation, he can blind enemies by shooting webs in their faces, giving him time to strike. He can also wrap someone in a web to subdue them. [b]Spider Sense[/b] - This ability is for him to recognize when trouble is coming his way or coming around him. This helps him a lot to dodge enemies attacks, and even dodge bullets. The ability was well, amazing, spectacular even. His spider sense could even work if a long distance sniper is aiming at someone or Spidey himself. A very helpful ability.[/sub][/indent] [hr] [color=red]Bio:[/color][indent] [sub] When Peter Parker was little, he wouldn't be playing around in the sand. He would be analyzing it. He was the basic nerd around school. Not to mention he was relentlessly bullied because of this. He had never knew his parents, all he knew is that they were Richard and Mary Parker. And that Benjamin Parker, Richard's brother, and May Parker had adopted Peter when his parents had went missing. Peter referred to Benjamin as Uncle Ben, and May as Aunt May. They were practically so close to him, that they could be considered his actual parents more than his uncle and aunt-by-marriage. He always felt they had kept something from him, something important about his real parents. They never talked about his real parents much. At high school, even though Peter was bullied a lot. Especially by Flash Thompson, ever since 6th Grade as well. He had friends, a good group of friends. They were Eddie Brock Jr., Mary-Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, and Cindy Moon. They were his only friends, but they were possibly one of the best friends in the world. His life was pretty normal. At least, until one day. On a field trip to Oscorp. Peter was amazed by the technology, and went around places he shouldn't have. When Harry told him that a test subject spider that was red and blue in a certain room, and that he should not go in it. Peter just couldn't help himself, at all. He sneaked into the room, and stared at the Spider in amazement. What was its purpose? Why did exist? When he tapped the glass box where the spider was in, he had knocked it down by accident. He freaked out, and left the room hoping that he wasn't caught on the camera and that Harry wouldn't figure it out. Suddenly, when he caught up to the rest of the group. Peter had felt a bite on his arm, he instinctively had hit the red and blue spider off. It plummeted to its death after falling from his arm. Suddenly, his head started hurting and his vision had gotten blurry. He then fell unconscious. He was instantly brought to a hospital, and when being questioned by his friends why his lights went out. He lied, and said he didn't know why. It didn't take long for Harry to find out the spider was missing. And when he had checked the security tapes at his home, he was furious to learn his friend didn't listen to him. That the spider has gone missing. He didn't talk to Peter for a long time, and Peter knew why. This was the point where their friendship was lost. Peter had realized that he didn't need his glasses anymore, and that he suddenly had abs. It didn't take any longer for him to realize that he could stick his hands and feet on walls. Not to mention the fact that he realized he could dodge Flash's punches, and pushes. Which gave Peter the satisfaction to humiliate Flash Thompson a numerous amount of times. He realized, he could use these abilities to earn money. He made himself a costume; a red hoodie with a spider logo, a red mask, gloves, his web shooters, jeans, and some red shoes. He called himself, the Spider-Man. He became a fighter, and he always won the fights. He was a big celebrity now, but he didn't want anyone to know his real identity. One day after coming from a wrestling match that he had won, a man was chasing a robber but ended up loosing him. The man had asked Spider-Man to help him, but Spidey ignored him and said it wasn't his problem. Until it was.. A loud gunshot was heard behind the corner, and around that corner was the apartment where May and Ben lived. Peter ran to where the sound came from, and saw Uncle Ben lying in a pool of blood. Peter yelled for help, but no one would come. In the distance he could see the man who shot him running, the irony is that the robber was the same one who robbed the man who Peter ignored. This was when Peter realized, he must use his powers for good. And let no one have the same fate as him. He created a better costume, that was red and blue with a webbing pattern. It had a spider logo on the chest of the suit. And a four-legged big red spider on the back. He was done being a celebrity, now it was time to become a hero. He fought crime ever since he was 16. Fighting people like the mysterious Goblin. He also fought Doc Octavious, or better known as Doctor Octopus, and many more. After high school, Peter and Eddie had learned something. That Eddie's dad and Peter's dad had worked on something before they were both born. They realized that they both had a connection more than just a friendship. Both of their fathers had worked at Oscorp. And they found out that Norman Osborn stole both of their parents research, it was supposed to cure Cancer. It was some sort of..symbiote. Peter stole it back at night, without any trouble. It was a black goo, and it covered Peter's Spider-Man costume, into a full black suit with a giant white spider. Peter felt good, the suit made him feel amazing. But when he realized that the symbiote was alive, and was controlling him at night. Explaining why he was more tired at night. He placed it back where it came. But when Eddie found out who Peter really was, and what he had really did. He was angry. He took the symbiote, but it turned him into something. It turned him into a monster. But after the symbiote was rejected by Spider-Man, Eddie and it had strong emotion in common. They hate Peter Parker. And Eddie became Venom. Venom had become one of Peter's ultimate rivals. As much as it hurt Peter to see his friend turn into this monstrous thing, he had no choice but to fight him. Not to mention a group of his enemies became the Sinister Six. But he always managed through this. It was really only a regular day of a hero.[/sub] [/indent] [hr] [color=red]Notes:[/color] [indent] [sub] A lot of this bio of Peter Parker was mixed with the Ultimate universe, the 616 Universe, and made up things. Basically changing it up a little. [/sub] [/indent]