As the melodious voice rolled about the darkness without any epicenter, leaving the party glancing about in caution. However, then, then it happened. Something no one had ever seen before. Surely it would be a legend or myth or fanciful tail that everybody would have blown off as complete nonsense. But there it was, and no one could deny it. In the faint light, Emmett blinked, his eyes closed, and then they opened... like never before glowing out as though white hot or replaced with a shaft of dim sunlight streaming through. [color=8888aa][center][i]This is entirely impossible[/i][/center][/color] The though stopped Rook in his tracks [color=8888aa][center][i]What in the world! Run you fool, this isn't normal! Run![/i][/center][/color] [color=8888aa][center][i]This has got to be a dream! This isn't happening, you're just losing your mind![/i][/center][/color] [color=8888aa][center][i]I was wrong about everything! I have to be![/i][/center][/color] [color=8888aa][center][i]I have to find out the source of this![/i][/center][/color] [color=8888aa][center][i]Magic, real magic without smoke and mirrors, without subtlety, isn't possible![/i][/center][/color] The bombardment of thoughts blasted through his mind in an instant. It was like a lightning bolt of second-guessing, doubt, and amazement arched off of his cranium, and quite a spectacular sight it might make, if people could actually see such a thing. He stood in awe, no, shock. Who couldn't?! His nephew walked away and he did absolutely nothing. Compelled to stay by his courage, restrained from following by instinct. Then the specter appeared, and sent a cold chill down his spine that would have enabled him to challenge the desert and the sun for decades. For a moment sheer terror gripped him, but only for a moment. Had he been his former self, he would have fled, not caring what was happening in front of him, or to whom it was happening to. All of this was before the scream. Yes, the scream. It echoed through his head, it was as if he was completely alone in a world of nothingness, just him and that one harrowing, abysmal, wailing, shriek. He knew it. He [i]knew[/i] that kroo. It was as familiar to him as his own hand. He knew not what was behind it, but he wanted to, more than anything. And then he came charging, full force back into the rest of the world where people stab you in dark pits in the middle of the desert unprovoked. However much he would have preferred a stimulating conversation with tea over the events that transpired, he doubted that the charging rogues would be willing to consider it. [color=8888aa]"I have tea, perhaps..."[/color] He was cut off by two sharp blades. They would have pierced his heart and gutted him in an instant if he were not practiced in the carnal arts. The downward thrust was parried by his war-hammer. The studs in the haft were not only to give added support, give grip, and prevent the head from being chopped off, but also to cause damage. The blow and the block were so powerful and sinister, that the fool chipped off the bone cap in his wrist when he struck. The slice across his belly was countered by Rook diving backward.