[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/3/36/Dean-W-dean-winchester-21433645-500-282.gif/revision/latest?cb=20140301074146[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: DMV in Carrollton, Georgia[/center][hr][hr]Jack nodded at her thanks, his hands clapping lightly against his sides. [color=#00ff00]"Don't worry about it."[/color] He'd raised his eyebrows a bit at what sounded like either German or Russian to him--he couldn't be certain which--but decided not to press it. People ended up all over the place, in his experience, over the last couple of years. After all, he had landed himself in Georgia. Tatiana glanced around, looking for her friend. Given by her biting her lip and fidgeting her fingers, he doubted that she saw her anywhere. His heart broke a bit for her--he knew what it was like, losing someone in this shitstorm. If all was well, her friend was just hiding somewhere, and wasn't in a tight spot. [color=a187be]"Vhere you come from? You alone?"[/color] Jack nodded, sweeping the room with his eyes once more. [color=#00ff00]"I spent the night in the john, trying to find some sort of sheltah here...If there are any sheltahs left."[/color] Glancing around once more, he realized that he hadn't fully answered her question. [color=#00ff00]"I'm from Boston."[/color] Not seeing anyone in the shadows, Jack sighed a bit. He was admittedly relieved that it didn't seem any walkers were around, but he'd be stupid if he thought they were safe. In his experience, bad luck came all at once. A walker had already attacked Tatiana, and as far as he knew, some other pisser wasn't too far behind it. [color=#00ff00]"We can't be talkin here much longah,"[/color] Jack said. [color=#00ff00]"Do you know where your friend would've split off to?"[/color] Jack smiled awkwardly, almost out of embarrassment. He didn't even know this girl, and to be fair, she probably didn't want anything to do with him. It was dangerous to be alone in these times--yet even more dangerous to be around strangers. Humans could be more vicious than walkers nine times out of ten, and there wasn't a friendly neighborhood police department anymore to rush in and save the day. It was survival of the fittest.