Mizuko blinked as the tall, rocky figure appeared in front of her. Her eyes travelled up the huge form until they arrived at his face. That was... certainly a race she had never seen before. But no matter! She would sell to any paying customers, even if they appeared to be rock formations that had come to life! Though... she didn't know what he would like to eat... Mizuko placed both hands on her counter and smiled happily up at her customer. There was the first step to such things, that had to come before any other steps. Something that Mizuko needed to begin with to be a successful merchant like her parents! "Hello, valued customer ~[i]degeso[/i]!" she began, her tone utterly cheerful and confident. Mizuko would find out exactly what food this guy wanted and sell whatever it is that he wanted at the best price for the both of them! "What kind of food would you like to eat ~[i]degeso[/i]?" Even as her hands rested on the counter, Mizuko's tentacles dove beneath it and began to set out various cases on the counter. It was these that held the food items she could carry pre-prepared, anything that would keep well enough.