[h2][center][color=steelblue][i]Katashi Todo[/i][/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XIFXbzb.png[/img][/center] [hr] A lot was going on that was worthy of addressing, but given the limited time available to Katashi he had to be sparing. He immediately dismissed the idea of seeing if Alex was okay, as plenty of others had already done so even if he had brought any injury upon himself in this case. Just as quickly discarded was any notion to investigate the scratching coming from behind the closet. After all, the door was already open so they had no reason to risk life and limb investigating what was either a trap or another monster intent on bringing them to a grisly demise. It was likely Katashi's own biases towards her form and the sharp mind beneath it that had him addressing Yuriya with a wistful smile despite the situation. [color=steelblue]"Since you have brought it up, I had once tried to join the swim club, but the coach told me to leave for distracting the other swimmers. Bit of a disappointment to lose out on the school's pool, but I always favored salt water anyway."[/color] Pleasantries aside, it would appear the time for relief had faded as swiftly as their reprieve from danger, with the need for continued survival overriding all others. At the moment they had the perplexing issue of deciding on a course of action, that being whether to endeavor towards the Science Lab or the Boiler room, which required a visit to the principal's office as a prerequisite. [color=steelblue]"Alright, I'm still of the mind that we should hit up the Science Lab first. Even if it doesn't have the material we need for a proper torch there should be other items of use, be they bunson burners, acids, or scalpels. Once we scavenge what we can, assuming we get there at all, we may as well move onto the principals office and the boiler room after."[/color] A goal was good. It gave you purpose, a reason to look past the horror of the present and envision the possibility of a better day if you only worked towards achieving your set milestone. Even if it was an ephemeral dream, they needed something to strive towards or they'd be liable to do something of a suicidal nature. Katashi demonstrated how opposed he was to the idea of forfeiting his own life by firmly removing himself from Anri's grasp so as not to project the image of some sort of playboy. Acting the fool would only lose him what respect Yuriya had and likely generate enmity from her best friend Shizune, who held all of their fates in her hands with that precious knowledge she alone had amongst the group. [color=steelblue]"Yes Anri, I hear the noise. However we are not under the immediate danger of a monster like the Friagne, so as long as the scratching remains on the other side of that cabinet I would advise that we leave without losing our heads. Shizune, since you are the most familiar with this place, would you care to lead us? And do you know if there are monsters that patrol the halls we may encounter?"[/color]