[Color=yellow][center][h1]Haru Sento[/h1][/center][/color] Haru turned another corner as he continued his search for the twins and Erin. Worry showed on his face as clear as a reflection in a mirror but after hearing someone screaming at the top of their lungs in fear who could blame him. So far everyone had been filled from their home once again yet no one seemed to want to talk about it. So the teenager couldn't help but worry if this nightmare was beginning to take its toll on everyone yet or not. He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Nikki ahead. The young man slammed into her as he was focused backwards landing on his bottom.[color=yellow]” Ow. Sorry Nikki I didn't see you there. Are you alright?”[/color] he asked waiting for the scolding of a life time.[color=yellow]” I swear that it will never happen again. You see last night I awoken to a scream inside the school so I was worried about everyone.”[/color] Haru explained while getting up as quickly as possible. He placed a hand out to help Nikki up, in case she had fallen too, since it was his fault after all. [@Wick]