[h3][center][i]Etsuko Tanaka // The Dining Room[/i][/center][/h3] Returning to the Renata Manor was something akin to coming home. Albeit, a very red, somewhat eerie but still beautiful home. When her world finally stopped spinning, she was certainly surprised to see a home cooked meal in front of her. The smells made her think of the cottage she and Calypso shared and made her nostalgic for their home in their small village. The conversation between Lady Renata and her guests immediately set an urgent and tense atmosphere, making Etsuko feel somewhat uncomfortable eating the comfy meal in front of her. The air was relatively thick until the sound of a violin could be heard from the end of the table. She looked up from her plate and watched as the youthful looking man came walking towards the front, smiling to herself as she hummed along to the sounds of the violin. She briefly wondered where he was during her stay. Perhaps he was a new resident? His flamboyant nature juxtaposed greatly with Lady Renata’s, and even Richard’s. She was about to introduce herself when she heard another male voice speak up near her, causing the Diviner to jump slightly. She looked up at the newcomer and watched as his eye settled on her. The young woman blinked, wondering if there might’ve been something on her face when he got on one knee and took her hand from where it had been on the table. It wasn’t until he kissed it gently that her face turned bright red. Her face stayed bright red as he introduced himself. She started fidgeting slightly in her seat as he began to sit, embarrassed by what had just happened. As the bard began singing, Etsuko admitted to herself that his voice did possess a calming quality. However, she managed to glance at Lady Renata and wondered whether these two men were supposed to diffuse the tense atmosphere on purpose or if she found their sudden appearances to be a nuisance. It seemed so by the long tea sip Karin had taken after Dimitirius entered the room. Both men asked everyone how they were, perhaps to introduce themselves. Etsuko was so embarrassed—and probably shocked by the attention Ian had given her—that she just poked the food on her plate with her fork. She could hardly give a response. The Diviner also wasn’t sure if she was allowed to encourage the men’s behavior and found it easier to stay quiet.