[center][h1][color=8882be]Myriam Gully[/color][/h1] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32400000/Aurora-once-upon-a-time-32464990-500-281.jpg[/img] [color=8882be]◾◾◾[/color][/center] Despite her best efforts, it was never easy for Myriam to hide her nervousness. No matter how high she held her head or how straight she kept her posture, one of her ticks would always give her away. So there she stood, dressed in her flowing, royal blue gown, practically frozen amongst the bustling and chattery courtyard. Her hands were tightly clasped together below her chest, expression as stoic as she could keep it. Not too far off stood her father, Arthur, wearing his usual frown, as she'd expected. [color=lightpink]"Myriam."[/color] As Myriam steadily scanned the courtyard, a voice, followed by a gentle tug at her sleeve, interrupted her watch. Just as soon as she'd tensed up from the voice, her expression softened, giving a relieved smile to the dark haired girl before her. [color=8882be]"Catarina?"[/color] Myriam spoke. Her voice was low, almost in a whisper and practically drowned out by the noise surrounding them. [color=lightpink]“Do you think we'll get to see the Princess soon?"[/color] [color=8882be]"Oh, of course-"[/color] [color=lightpink]"Have you ever seen her?"[/color] [color=8882be]"Well-"[/color] [color=lightpink]"Will the feast last long? I do hope so. Have you ever been before?"[/color] [color=8882be]"Ca-"[/color] [color=lightpink]"We should just stick with father, right? He knows what's best. Hm, yes, I am sure he does know. He's father after all, don't you agree?”[/color] [color=8882be]"Catarina, please, you're making my head spin,"[/color] Myriam chuckled. She took a moment to peer off to the side, towards her father. Her cousin Tybalt seemed to be keeping him busy, for the moment. Her smile only briefly faded, before turning back to Catarina. [color=8882be]"I've been to the Castle, when I was much younger... but I've never seen the Princess before. Most haven't. Though I've been told she's very pretty."[/color] Myriam paused, quickly turning her head from side to side, before bending her knees, her voice hushed. [color=8882be]"Almost as pretty as the youngest Gully daughter, I've heard,"[/color] she murmured with a grin, regaining her straightened posture. With the ringing of the bells sounding from the castle, she gently nudged her sister in the direction of her father and cousin, gesturing for the two women to follow behind. Until she was once again stopped by the sound of another familiar voice. [color=0072bc]"Father, it is good to see you again,"[/color] Ithobal spoke from behind them. In her surprise, Myriam placed a hand over her lips at the sight of her brother, leading a band of well armored men - what she assumed to be his crew. [color=8882be]"Ithobal I- my word, it's been too long. It's so good to see you again,"[/color] She spoke, folding her hands back under her chest.