For now let us sweep this discussion under the rug for the most part. I do not want bad blood to be spilled for little reason. [quote=Raptorman] Why is there no equivalent to japan? [/quote] I had considered it and a Chinese analog. I opted against the Chinese analog as they would not be much better off than the nations people are RPing except for being larger and have more population. Japan just felt too distant from the other nations. It was half way around the world from the other theater and is largely known for it's naval capabilities. The problem is that even though the UK favored their navy as well they did their best to be directly or indirectly involved in the entire war. Japan had 2 theaters, the Chinese ground theater and Pacific naval theater. The 2nd Sino-Japanese war is often heavily overlooked unnecessarily but that is in part due to Euro-centric history. Naval forces are very, very expensive to build and maintain which will be hard for these nations to field. The Japanese Army was also generally facing under-equipped, under-trained Chinese forces which is why so many battles became utter massacres. I felt it just would not fit, the Japanese Empire was resource poor and it's industrial power and population could never really challange the others nations here head to head. I feel it is more of a local power than a global one.