Turbulence maintained his forward place ahead of the convoy of Junkions, serving his role as their eyes and ears. As they moved away from the City of Kaon, the structures that either stood high or crumbled down began to diminish in size and numbers until they eventually cleared the cityscapes and into the outskirts of the Decepticon capital. It would be soon that his ground borne compatriots would meet metallic sand after leaving the more smoother and once gloried roads of civilization behind them. Back into the desert that has since consumed much of Cybertron's former pristine, Turbulence raised his altitude further away from the earth below him in an effort to achieve a superior vantage point and to distance his alt mode windy influence over the sands less he creates an unintentional sandstorm and bogs down those on the ground. While the act was nature to him given his training, Turbulence wrestled with the idea that whether he should maintain or forgo his cautious demeanor as acting escort. True, it is was standing procedure for someone like him to fulfill as a flyer but with their planet being dead as it was as they pushed onwards, Turbulence debated whom else was left behind and were they any threat to them. His Decepticon counterparts proved trustworthy for the most part and the once territorial Junkions were approachable as first. It was only mutant Cybertronians however that proved hostile and willing to compromise their well being. But surely those couldn't be lurking around could they? Suddenly, Turbulence's radar and motion sensors were tripped as they detected an unidentified object fast approaching their way. Turbulence quickly set to work obtaining a visual feed of the interloping entity. Could it be more debris? A likely possibility but his analysis of the trajectory gave a more linear flight-path; an unusual entry of any space junk to approach by. Just before he could ponder more on the object's identity, he soon acquired a capture of the object's profile "Huh, what is- Whoa!" Turbulence exclaimed in surprise. Carelessly, Turbulence nearly forgot to adjust his own flight-path in order to safely move out of the way as the blurred entity shot over him. While there was no risk of a collision at his given altitude in contrast but entering a flying Cybertronian's airspace unannounced was nearly as bad as violating their own personal space. It became quickly apparent that the interloper was not falling junk, but another Cybertronian! It was unknown whoever this was saw Turbulence or the convoy below but they didn't appear to immediately change their vector upon passing over them. Examinging the newcomer, Turbuelnce could confirm a sleek fighter-like alt-mode with an ever familiar purple paint scheme. "Guys, I got visual contact on an unknown flyer...looks like a Decepticon Seeker from where I'm flying." Turbulence reported as he cautious brought his weapon systems back online.