For a long moment, Gaia was quiet as she regarded the red head. Was she actually… hitting on her? For real? “Gaia.” She finally answered, looking the girl up and down before turning her attention back to the sound board. “And I hope you've got some better lines than those, because they were awful.” She waved off the other two men as they left, already having forgotten the name of the grumpy one. She had stuff to do before the broadcast. “You must be either loaded or really confident you won't get tossed out on your ass though, promising everyone dinner like that,” she said dryly. If she was being honest with herself, dinner did sound nice, she'd been eating take-out food for the past couple months as it was. Gaia had a sneaking suspicion, though, that “dinner” would probably mean some shitty fastfood place. Sara (Sophia? Susan? Screw it, she'll just call her CB) looked like she was barely beyond fresh out of college, which meant that if she wasn't rich she was probably broke. And if she was broke, then she'd probably expect Gaia to pay. A buzzing in her pocket distracted her from whatever the other girl’s answer was. Roman, or maybe it was Rick, some promoter dude she'd been introduced to the other day at any rate, was on his way up with a ’special guest’. Whatever that meant. Rolling her eyes, she texted him back. [center][b]R:[/b]In the middle of the check now. Who is it?[/center] The answer came back not ten seconds later, sending Gaia’s eyes shooting wide. “Aw, shit!” In an instant, she was on her feet, spinning Suzie around and pushing her towards the recording booth. “If you're gonna talk, CB, do it into the fucking mike, just get your butt in there so I can finish this! We don't have a lot of time!” She quickly returned to her seat, sliding her headphones into place. Flirty attitudes could come later, right now, she had work to do. [@Rune_Alchemist]