Aksel was shocked when he heard so many voices going off in his head at once; his own thoughts were hyperactive enough without so many others joining in. The fact that there was such a relatively small amount of people joining in and that he and Sven could hear it meant that it was most likely other genetically altered people. It was exciting to say the least to know that there were all these others that might be like him, at least in a vague sense. He waited a bit until he heard the original voice claiming there was a safe place. Depending on how safe it really was it seemed preferable to wandering through the woods of wherever the hell they were. He heard Sven’s warning to not jump the gun, like he could even if he wanted to. Their location was a mystery, even to him. It was a little scary now knowing where he was now that he thought about it, they could be anywhere. Hopefully Sven knew where they wer- *A safe place? Ha. Skip the introductions. I'm usually on the move, not sure where I am...* Damn, looked like they were on the same page here. Instead of worrying over it Aksel shifted nervously about, weighing the pros and cons of going. Really if they showed up there was as likely a chance that paradise awaited them as death, actually death was far more likely. He heard Sven ask what he thought and Aksel donned a thoughtful expression for just a moment before his smile spread across his lips. “I say we hear her out and if we decide she can be trusted we try it out, if it doesn’t work then we get our way out of it like we always do.”