The woman that Jenso had chosen to talk to was shorter than him. She turned away from another man and looked into his eyes for a split second before shifting her vision towards another person nearby, then back towards him. He pale green irises quivered ever so slightly as she responded to his inquiry. "Strange outfit? You're probably looking for bobba!" She said in a high pitched, excited voice, "He lives over there in the general goods store! 'Course, you might be looking for one of Bobba's assistants... They usually wear some frilly little getup, like, green and blue square patterns and stuff. I dunno why, it's weird," the girl explained further, speaking rather quickly. She ran a hand through her short orange hair, flinging it up into a set of skyward spikes. It barely fell back down, jutting forwards like it was held in place by jell. Looking at her closer, the woman was wearing some kind of blacksmith's getup, but it was different than anything Jenso had ever seen before. People outside of Arcadia seemed weird. Overall with metal plates? Blue and green square patterns? The fashion sense here could be considered rather odd. The man she was speaking to was wearing similar clothing, but he remained silent. She nodded to Jenso, as if to affirm her answer. "Bobba is probably at the mines, but his assistants might still be at his shop!"