[@Hillan] Before I accept either yourself, [@King Kindred], or [@GreenGrenade] I want to collate all the relevant Superman history and info just to make sure we're all on the same page backstory wise. Once I've done that, shone it to you, and you've confirmed everything is accurate then I can accept you all. [@Lord Wraith] Not accepted on the grounds that Dicks first costume doesn't feature green chain mail speedoes. Seriously though, great sheet pal. [Sub]Especially because I'm fifty percent certain quarter of it came from the time we worked together on a Batman and Nightwing combo.[/sub] Dick is accepted. [@Konica] If you're rusty I certainly can't tell. Great sheet all round, no complaints or questions. Starling is accepted. Hey [@Nightrunner], nice to see you. So a few questions. 1) Why was he swimming in the Gotham bay in the first place. Every time I've ever heard it described it isn't the sort of place you would want to go swimming. There's a bay in my town and I wouldn't go swimming in it, and we don't have half as much dockside related crime or pollutant dumping as Gotham does. 2) Who experimented on his changed physiology? Unless you mean he experimented himself. 3) Why on earth does he consider Canada to be the root of all evil? And 4) Instead of having a grapple, a bull whip and a rod, why doesn't he just carry a rod with some kind of grapple mechanism in it that he can also use to whip folk? [@The Kid Lantern] B'wana Beast looking good mate, keeping it close to classic which works for me. I know I wont have to tell you to make sure the animals that he fuses should be location appropriate, so no wild lions showing up in Gotham or such like. Though what happens if one of his chimera's die, do both halves of the fused beast die too? [@FantasyChic] Love your characters name and the fact that she's a disappearing girl that wants people to notice her, that's a nice touch. Though I'm not clear on whether her invisibility and force-field generation an aspect of her magic prowess, or are they separate gifts all together. [@DrewVonAwesome] Sorry bud, I completely forgot about you. I'm not to clear on Zachary Zatanna's powers from the comics, so could you just clear me up. Is it the same as Zatanna's in that he casts magic by speaking spells backwards? I'm fairly certain that's the case from the image on you're sheet, but I just want to be clear. On that note if I've somehow managed to miss anyone else please let me know, though I think I should be up to date OOC wise. Now I just need to work through my PM's.