First it was the not-so-friendly IFF ping on her hud, then it was turbulence warning her of a seeker, then it was a sonic boom that was sure to alert anyone and anything in the immediate area of their presence. The last two and a half minutes have not been Kind to Prism, but nonetheless the hauled on. "I'll blast them out of the sky if they pose a threat, Turbulence. You eye the envoy, I'm sure I can get a few licks in from right here before they zoom away." It was only then that she saw a second figure leaving orbit at insane speeds and zooming back down before landing by the Caravan. Thankfully, it was just a new and improved Nightscream, and the sonic boom was not a result of the alleged seeker inbound. Even in her vehicle form, Prism noticed the difference in height from Nightscream's previous form. "Did I somehow get taller?" Prism chuckled as she moved on. It seemed like Nightscream was a bit of an adrenaline junkie, if the recent display was anything to note. Unfortunately, there was no time to joke more. "We need to identify that unknown, make sure they aren't after our heads."