[center][@Forsythe][@pyroman][@ShiningSector][/center] As Cyclonus flies towards the Ark's signal, his open-comn system revealed some chatter coming from some units both below him and behind him at a similiar altitude. But before he can identify them, his turbulence got destabalized for a second as another unknown flier zoomed skywards into the upper-atmosphere. Fortunately, Cyclonus was able to stabilize his flight pattern and was able to listen in on the others below. [i]"Guys, I got visual contact on an unknown flyer...looks like a Decepticon Seeker from where I'm flying."[/i] [i]"I'll blast them out of the sky if they pose a threat, Turbulence. You eye the envoy, I'm sure I can get a few licks in from right here before they zoom away."[/i] Whoever they are, they must be some autobot survivors/refugees or whatever the not. If not, then some other faction of sorts. [i]"Now, what was that about another decepticon?[/i] [i]"We need to identify that unknown, make sure they aren't after our heads."[/i] The former-decepticon sighs as he joins the open comns link conversation. [color=662d91]"I'm not a Decepticon..."[/color] he blatanly says with a sigh. With that, he then around and starts decending down to the ground. After making his way to the ground, he finally reveals his bot form, which while looking ominous, he didn't take out any weapons at his disposal. He can already see several figures now. A large fembot, a dinobot, a familiar looking Decepticon, and some Junkions. Clearly if he were against them, he would be simply outnumbered, despite probably causing a good sum of damage to their forces. [color=662d91]"And I'm not here to cause trouble."[/color] he then says as he tries to come off as friendly despite his appearance.