[@OtomostheCrazy] (Realm of Shadows) [color=004b80]"... I haven't planned that far yet."[/color] It was true. Honestly Xix never really planned anything in advance, rather she used impulsivity to her advantage, and it made her spontaneous and quick on her feet. Right now the opposition is probably powering up to tremendous strength, but while everything is getting ready... it would be a perfect time to strike, albeit risky. [color=004b80]"We could try and blitz it, take them down right now and end it, but that's basically suicide... we could wait and let them get stronger as well... I can't decide... you guys have an idea?"[/color] Xix looked at Yuki and Claire for anything for an opinion, and also included the Plague Doctor and Alex. (Tlevran) [color=8882be]"Oh. Cool."[/color] Tlevran walked forward and saw a ruined city. The Dej were near destroyed completely, and it seemed like the clones of the other gods and goddesses are nowhere to be found. A sense of blood and death was in the air, as Tlevran had a dim red aura around his hands. [color=8882be]"Yeah there's nobody here, unsurprisingly. All of them must've died, which means there's not a real way to find a way to X o- there's a house."[/color] Tlevran pointed out a modest sized house a small ways away. Although it was covered in ivy, it seemed to look well kept. It was definitely old and out of place, with a small windmill beside it. [color=8882be]"I think that's where we need to go."[/color] (Purge) [color=6ecff6]"Glad you appreciate it. Now onto the Inkling, who gets a variety of choices. So you blue squiddly kid, what'll it be? Close quarters? Range? Or how about a mixture?"[/color] The Purge intently stared at Resin, a dark smile over his face. This started to feel like Resin was going to take a deal with the devil.