So that's my PM's dealt with, giving me time to work on the opening IC post. So I have a choice for you all. Either your characters have been recruited by the League (automated process put in place to send messages of recruitment to proven heroes and superhumans in the event that the League disappear, put in place by Batman) shortly before the start of the RP and we'll open onto their first meeting as a group, or the first 'arc' is them all coming together to face a threat large enough to unify them then taking it off their own backs to band together as a new League, or my personal favorite, a mix of both. Some characters (The more obvious JL replacements such as Nightwing, Seraph, and Shining Knight) have already banded together as a replacement League, while others (the more off-center picks like Julian Luther, Starling and Miss Appear) are still operating on their own, but all must come together in the face of a cosmic threat that hopes to take advantage of the JL proper's disappearance. Thoughts, everyone?