This Chris's worst fear, he had fallen asleep but it was no ordinary sleep his body was pushed beyond its limits thanks to the pills. This had not caused a sleep so much as his body revolting and shutting down when he could go no further. DREAM SEQUENCE [i]He laid in a pit of utter blackness nothing could be seen but EVERYTHING could be heard he called out into the void and he prayed that whatever answered him was nothing malicious. A small child engulfed in the brightest light yet wore tattered clothing identical to what Chris wore looked at him and said but one word. "Run" and seconds after the word was uttered a hand grabbed the boy and squeezed. In those moments a bone chilling blood curdling scream was heard as the faint sound of crunching bones followed. As Chris turned to run he slipped in a pool of blood and as he looked around he no longer saw the hand or the body that should have been left of the boy. He felt something begin to squirm in his hand, but no recollection of picking things up and as he opened his hand he saw the boy broken and damaged. (He was the hand himself and the boy in short telling him to run away from himself and what he was capable of. But in turn gaining strength enough in his grip alone to break bones of any limb he grasped like a twig, but also a fear of himself unable to look at his own reflection without being reminded of what happened)[/i] Slowly coming to hrs later. Chris would look around at the decor of the room he was taken to and look around until he found an able bodied person. As he made his way down the hall this became a bit easier as there seemed to be a conversation happening. Leaning against the wall he saw one of the people exit and they spoke to him after bowing? This confused Chris “He didn’t look at me like a junkie” He thought to himself. and before allowing [@Kibaro] to leave he would smile a weak smile and nod back. Before heading into the office. “Go..good afternoon my name is Chris I was looking for Dr. Whitney have you seen him I need…I was hoping he could help” Chris spoke his voice still a bit shaky and not definitely sure as to who the woman was [@KatherinWinter] he didn’t talk to much about why he needed Dr.Whitney’s help.