[h2]Dirk Messir[/h2] Dirk nodded in turn at Sunny, and then again at the new explosion guy, as they each finished their speeches. Then, upon explosion guy's request for a cutlass, Dirk nodded once more and pulled one out, handing it over to him; though it wasn't necessarily obvious at a glance, Dirk had had the foresight to acquire each cutlass' sheath as well, leaving just the kitchen knife to potentially damage his outfit, though it was light enough that this risk was minimal. He in turn pulled out a cutlass of his own, being quite sure that he'd need to defend himself in the near future, disconcerting as the prospect was. This wouldn't be like with the giant monkey person; this was a comparatively controlled environment, where his own risk of death was quite low, even given his heavily-bruised state. And to be sure, the risk that he'd accidentally kill any sparring partners was all but zero. 'I have one cutlass and a knife left,' he stated. 'Does anybody else want them for training with?'