[quote=@Wilted Rose] Prepare to be happy, then. Also, since I'm working on ideologies. I need a short description on Houism, if you could all masterful Aaron [/quote] Think about it as a less extreme communism. As far as China goes, it believes in the preservation of national diversity, or the traditional life-styles of China. It's been mostly concerned regionally and doesn't have so much an emphasis on world revolution has it had been with regional revolution and Anti-Europeanism (to such and such that it has actively attempted to ban European faith in China, or Christianity; Islam has sometimes gotten caught in that drag-net). A lot of it is invested in the personality of Hou who had basically buried himself in his work for his own reasons. For the passed twenty years he micro-managed the country to keep it well within his vision. Elections are possible in China, and they do happen. But through that passed twenty years Hou's position hasn't been challenged until he decided to retire until just now. Technologically, I don't know. The country has been largely self-isolated from the wider world, but I think that might be considered a wider trend in some ways. China just took it to an extreme. Things don't tend to get out of the country unless the party wishes and no one gets in easily, the last persons to access the country got shot down in their helicopter. But whatever tech advancement they make can be looked at as being sort of asymmetrical, with a current emphasis on aerotech and comms (for their development of what we'd know as transistors).