[@Letmehaveone2] Wylin moved her stuff over by her bed, she didn't have much to organize though. For her anything she needed could be retrieved by a simple spell. She stared at her cat for another moment silently having a conversation. [i]Are you sure Azazel? [color=lightgreen]Yes my dear, I would suggest a room change but this is right were you want to be, isn't it? After all, this situaton suits you and your hero complex.[/color] You say hero complex like its a bad thing, I just want to help people. [color=lightgreen]If it puts you in danger for no reason then, as your familiar and friend, I think it is quite a bad thing.[/color][/i] Wylin looked away from Azazel, turning to Vile, "I'd ask about you but its not really fair if I'm the only one getting answers, so let me make a little proposition, how does a truth for a truth sound? Its pretty simple, I ask you a question and if i get the truth you get to ask a question and you'll get the truth. However if you lie, I lie. Of course you can say decline my request but something tells me you're more fun than that." Wylin had a wide grin on her face but her familiar on the other hand was looking as angry as a cat could be, clearly he did not approve of her suggestion as he worried it put her in danger.