As always, rain was falling down onto the city of Norfolk Virginia, gray clouds remaining in the air eternally. If one were to guess, however, it was around noon, and it was the brightest it could get for the day, and was almost as dark as twilight. Every day was like this, but people found a way to manage to survive. They all scavenge what they can while avoiding the more desperate folk who are armed with any sort of bludgeon they can get their hands on. This particular day, though, has the possibility of being different with the rest. Scavenger activity has been on the rise in the Norfolk area, as with looter activity. Many of the more friendly people are eying MacArthur Mall as a possible settlement where people can find food and shelter. You are one of the people who have decided to make their way to the mall, but your reasons are your own. It is time for the survivors of the apocalypse to crawl out of their holes and seek the possibility of a better life.