[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/15b78f5fb05134ffa90f8f3f9b35383c/tumblr_nnn03tnBTP1rfzagwo2_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: Coroner's Office[/center][hr][hr]Cecily glanced up, seeing the two detectives enter. She wasn't usually one to be comforted by men with guns entering, it normally had the opposite effect, but it calmed her today. They approached the bodybag on the gurney, and Cecily remained back, raising an eyebrow slightly in confusion. Perhaps this is why unions existed--to ensure that [i]someone[/i] would care when forensic techs were shot at. It wasn't like it was listed in her job description [i]"will be shot at by psychotic blondes; no hazardous duty pay included."[/i] The entire point was that the detectives would get shot at, rather than the geeks back in the lab. They belonged to different worlds, worlds that were only supposed to mix when the detectives came for the lab results and then took all the credit for solving the murder. Detective Gregory started to pace, looking back at Cecily and Tank from time to time. Cecily awkwardly brushed her hair back, wondering why on earth he was looking at them like aliens. Beyond the obvious, of course--the fact that a homicidal killer seemed to be targeting everyone in the apartment block. "Thing is though, this just got a lot more complicated. I don't know where Marleston ties into this other than living in the same damn building you two do; which is creepy enough. You two might want to find a new place to live. What really is throwing me off is this... Miss Glencross and Miss Graves... They were sisters. Half sisters but sisters." Cecily raised her eyebrow again, glancing back down at the body. [color=00ccff]"I can't afford to live anywhere else with the salary you pay me,"[/color] she chuckled a bit, tucking her hair behind her ear. She remembered the bullet whizzing by her head, and glanced behind her for a moment, almost expecting another one to have appeared in the wall behind her. [color=00ccff]"The common factor is that they all live in Boston Heights, no?"[/color] Cecily murmured, as the detective leaned against the desk, his arms crossed. [color=00ccff]"I'm not saying it's insignificant that Graves and Glencross were related but...If the relation was the primary motive behind the killings, then the father should be dead, rather than Marlestone."[/color] Pausing, Cecily mumbled a bit of an apology. The detectives likely didn't want her own opinions to influence their points of view, but to her, it made sense that it was the building location that mattered, rather than the relations. She herself had just been shot at hours ago, and the building was filled with security experts and others who knew how to kill someone with their pinky finger. Briefly, after the detective had informed them that Danica and Peyton were related, she wondered if Lyle could have been a brother as well. [color=00ccff]"If my secret half-sister killed herself, I'd probably want answers,"[/color] Cecily pondered. [color=00ccff]"Maybe Lyle, for some reason, was looking for those same answers."[/color] "And from what I hear you had a little bit of trouble in here earlier with a break in? Can you walk me through what happened?" Cecily nodded. [color=00ccff]"Yes, it was nearly a murder,"[/color] she joked a bit with a smile. [color=00ccff]"I came in to work this morning to upload some files for the forensic artist--Wallace never understands the need to preserve a crime scene, always goes straight into ripping it apart, the git...Anyways, I thought I heard Wallace in his office, so I popped on over, and was shot at and slammed to the ground by some blonde woman. Something was [i]definitely[/i] taken but I doubt Wallace bothered to log anything in."[/color]