[center][h1][color=red]Black Cat [/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/E6vxIdy.gif[/img] [quote=Black Cat] "Oh look, the cuffs broke off, bad luck for you,"[/quote][/center] [hr][hr] [color=red]Name [/color] Felicia Hardy [color=red]Age [/color] 20 [color=red]Alias [/color] Black Cat [hr] [color=red]Powers [/color] Black Cat doesn't actually possess powers, per se, but through a mix of countless hours of training and advanced technology she has abilities close to a supernatural level. She is an expert burglar, she possesses enhanced skills in strength, speed, agility and endurance. On top of this she possesses exceptional martial arts skills and her street fighting abilities is a match for even some of the strongest heroes. She is believed to have manipulation over bad luck and is able to spread misfortunes on anyone she wishes. She has retractable claws and grappling hooks in her gloves and with her contact lenses she has the ability to see in various ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. [hr] [color=red]Bio [/color] Born in Flushing, New York, Felicia is the only child of wealthy couple Lydia and Walter Hardy. Growing up she knew her father to be a travelling salesman. He'd go on trips often. Because of the Felicia was raised primarily by her mother yet she still idolised her father. Her father would often encourage her to try her best and aim high while her mother pushed her harde, never impressed with Felicia's 'best'. When Felicia was 13 her mother told her that her father's plane back from one of his business trips had crashed over the Andes resulting in her father's death. Eventually, though, Felicia discovered her was actually a large-scale burglar and was able to piece together his 'business trips' to their actually happens. One day Felicia was mugged and discovered the excitement that came from her father's job and enrolled in self-denfence classes on top of learning how to pick locks and crack safes. A couple of years later Felicia was raped by her boyfriend leaving hr ler angered and vengeful. She pushed aside her studies to train harder with the goal to kill him. She almost did, unfortunately he had already died, crashing the car whilist drunk. So with the will for revenge and the genes of her father inside of her she followed in the man's footstep hence Black Cat' was born.