As Web shot the first Ferir, the engagement began in earnest. The squadron of Ferirs and the Wargods began their clash, individual duels and conflicts breaking out, as massive machines juked inbetween one another, providing aid to their wingmates, and defending themselves from oncoming attacks, all while attempting to get into a kill-slot of an opposing MAS. While this happened, the Solace and its escort began battle with the enemy Coalition frigates, plasma fire, capital ship lasers, and railgun shells crisscrossing the battlefield as well. Pilots on both sides were wise to be careful while between the two ships, lest they accidentally be caught by a ship weapon designed to take on other ships rather than just AA weapons. The Ferir's were quick to realize that they weren't up against everyday UEE pilots, and now that they were down three pilots, they were at a marked disadvantage when compared to the Wargods' now superior numbers. However, the Coalition pilots were no slouches either, combining their efforts, a group of them let loose a salvo or missiles towards one of the Wargods, firing at anyone who attempted to provide the fleeing pilot with aid, effectively singling him out. [color=Khaki]"Shit, I've got missile lock."[/color] Came the desperate cry of Jenks, one of their anti-ship specialists, as he whizzed off erratically, trying to shake the missiles. Individually, Hammer missiles were slow, and easy to juke, but with 4 different missiles coming in from different directions, it was hard to pick which direction to turn. [color=Khaki]"Point defenses out of ammo! Somebody back me up! Somebody-"[/color] His voice was cut off and replaced with static as a large hammer missile struck the Gladiator in the shoulder, the missile tip breaking through his depleted shields, and the resulting explosion sending the Gladiator spinning, right arm blown off and cockpit breached. His thrusters had cut off, his reactor most likely suffered damage and shut down to prevent an explosion from killing the pilot. It wasn't likely that Jenks was still alive, and if he was he either critically wounded or couldn't communicate. His biometer suddenly snapping off from the squadron HUD, likely due to damage to his suit from the explosion. In revenge, Tommy managed to bring his Gladiator in close, and cleave through a Ferir with his beam saber, before taking a burst of autocannon rounds to his back, his shields shattering under a withering hail of fire as he pulled back to safety, suffering only minor damage. The Wargods were down another pilot. To throw another wrench into the scheme of things, a fleeing Prosperity class vessel, its name plate identified it as the Agincourt, entered their local battlespace. The Agincourt's escort ships had been destroyed in a battle near their position, and the vessel was retreating to the nearest UEE vessel, the Solace, whose massive guns would be able to better defend it. Unfortunately, the Agincourt, brought with it another group of Coalition capital ship hunters and another squadron of Ferir II's, this time led by a Ferir III. the Solace and escort offering the lightly armed ship protection. Comm chatter was growing increasingly desperate, and was finally punctuated by the sight of a massive, blue-white explosion, the core of the Ulysses space dock exploded as a flurry of Coalition plasma weapons sailed into it, the elevator buckling from the intense explosion and folding in on itself, as it began its slow fall to the planet below. The remaining UEE forces were in disarray. Some tried to regroup but were singled out by Coalition assault groups, others flat out fled the battlefield. [i]-All forces, this is Admiral Bishop of the 5th Fleet. The Ulysses station is lost, and Cerol is fallen. We have failed this day. All surviving forces, fall back to friendly space. We do the UEE no good by dying here.-[/i] A series of flares shot out by Admiral Bishop's flagship signaled a general retreat back to UEE space. Though the flares didn't seem to slow the Coalition assault at all. If anything, the assault intensified, almost as though the Coalition fleet was attempting to wipe out all survivors. Capital ships fled and jumped, some leaving behind their escort ships, incapable of long range jumps, thus dooming them if they couldn't find another ship to dock with. Unfortunately for the Wargods and the Solace, fully 10 Coalition Cruisers stood between them and the retreating UEE forces. [i]Wargods, return to the Solace immediately, we're preparing to jump in 60 seconds. Get your ass in the hangar or you're being left behind.[/i] Came the voice of XO Rexer, punctuated by the explosion of their last escort ship. [i]All pilots be advised, the Solace and the Agincourt are retreating to UEE space via a route through the FEZ. We cannot hope to punch through this current force to meet up with the rest of 5th fleet. We'll have to go around.[/i] A small timer appeared on the HUD of all the pilots. It counted down seconds from 60, which was the amount of time the Wargods had to extricate themselves from their current engagement and return to the Solace.