I have a question or three that need sorting out for my CS to develop! Are we limited to playing "standard" talented soldiers, or is it possible to get into more specialised roles (I'm specifically thinking about explosives expert)? On a scale from [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/conker/images/c/c5/Rodent_BFD.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/166?cb=20091219075749]terrified recruit soldier[/url] to [url=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/29947/658778-armstrong.jpg]legendary war hero[/url], what is the window of experience a character should be within? I know this is difficult to nutshell up, but "how sci-fi" are we talking? Is war still waged with [url=http://pre00.deviantart.net/06a2/th/pre/i/2010/229/e/0/bullet_bill_by_cyberfox007.jpg]bullets [/url] or did we move on to [url=http://oi46.tinypic.com/27z9bg3.jpg]brain-frying death pew pew beams[/url]? Does everyone get their own private [url=http://img1.joyreactor.com/pics/post/cat-shark-cosplay-vacuum-cleaner-1151865.gif]anti-gravity jetpack skateboard[/url]? Do explosions still [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0V8ksS7ATM]go boom with smoke and shrapnels[/url]? [hider=WIP] THIS IS A WIP DON'T EVEN DARE LOOKING AT IT! [hider=WIP] [center] [img]http://strayhair.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/intense-bright-green-hair-with-red-tips.jpg[/img] [b][color=22A569]Guild Name:[/color][/b] Traitor [b][color=22A569]Character Name:[/color][/b] Mira Brooks [b][color=22A569]Age:[/color][/b] 26 [b][color=22A569]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=22A569]Appearance:[/color][/b] [color=999999]180 cm, 75 kg. Mira is a fairly average-tall woman with an equally average build. She is fairly fit, but considering her position in the military, that is a given. Most notable about her appearance is her green/red hair color, a feature many superiors are not very fond of, but her usefulness in combat has given her a certain privilege and this is how she decided to spend it. She has two notable scars, one being in the bend of her left arm, the other ranging from the left side of her throat down towards the collarbone. Her uniform is fairly standard-looking, although the torso part of it has an additional layer of kevlar-like tissue, while the rest of the uniform is more lightweight and less protective. This is meant to impede her movement less, while still providing protection to crucial organs.[/color] [/center] [hider=Talent] [color=999999][u]Nutshell:[/u] Emotional manipulation. Mira can influence the emotional response of people around her. This talent is based partially on a magical ability distantly related to illusionism, but requires a biological component to work that is roughly comparable to pheromones. The talent can affect either affect a group or people, or one person in specific.[/color] [hider=Applications] [color=999999]The proximity-based mode of emotional manipulation indiscriminately affects everyone in a radius of about 10m or 30 feet around Mira. The effects affect everyone the same way - she can not achieve individual effects on different targets at the same time, or exclude individuals from it. If she uses this talent, everyone in range is subject to the same emotional manipulation, excluding herself. Using the talent on many targets is psychologically exhausting and requires multi-tasking if she means to execute complex actions (such as shooting people) at the same time. Basic actions (such as moving from cover to cover) are unaffected. This mode is limited to, broad emotional directions. Examples: she can steer the mood of a crowd of people in a general emotional direction, such as [i]tranquility[/i], reducing emotional stress, panic and fear, causing a group of soldiers to remain calm and in control despite a hopeless situation. She can cause them to feel [i]motivated[/i], driving them to give it their all and increase general optimism and endurance. On the flipside, she can [i]disturb[/i] a group of enemies by making them less confident, more receptive to doubt, fear and paranoia - but obviously this would affect allies in range as well, and only ever pays off when she is surrounded by foes. Alternatively, she can channel the effect of her emotional manipulation into a single target. This can be used to influence the emotions of the target in a more direct, precise way and allows for very targeted enhancement/diminuition. This allows her to drastically increase or decrease the combat performance of a single individual by either bolstering their emotional defense against all negative emotions, effectively heightening their perception and reflexes, or by terrifying the living shit out of them. Using her talent in this way requires more focus than the less controled proximity field and drastically reduces her combat abilities, perception and responsiveness. She will move slower and essentially lose the ability to fire precisely even at medium distances. While this direct effect requires her to visually locate the target to establish the emotional connection, line of sight is not necessary to uphold the effect. The range of her direct manipulation is about three times as far as the radius of her cloud.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Disadvantages] [color=999999]Both of these active modes of her talent cause a significant emotional backlash on Mira when they end, momentarily disorienting, blinding and deafening her. For a brief moment, she is rendered completely helpless and gradually regains her senses over the course of 5-20 minutes, depending on type and duration of her interaction. A general emotional instability and grueling nightmares are the less convenient side-effects of this. Both of these are caused by her subconscious reprocessing the emotions she suppresses when she's using her talent, as she inevitably catches subconscious glimpses of those whenever she manipulates someone. The pheromone-like biological component of her talent is perpetually being produced by her lungs and spread through simple expiration. This causes her to unconsciously and often uncontrollably affect her surroundings to a minor degree at all times. Effects of this emission are increased irritability, aggression and amplification of natural emotions for everyone around her, including herself (due to other peoples emotions "backfiring" at her). To prevent this, she is forced to wear a [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/thedivision/images/b/b0/Tom_Clancy's_The_Division_Breather_Mask_Art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131212040909]custom made breathing mask[/url] that filters these particles out of her breath. Logically, she has to take this mask off during combat scenarios, lest her talent can not be used. Once the mask is off, these particles spread incredibly fast, filling her usual range in a few minutes. They are completely unaffected by rain or solid objects such as walls and only minorly affected by strong wind, but can not pass through solid bodies of water or hermetically closed rooms.[/color] [/hider] [/hider] [b][color=22A569]Bio:[/color][/b] [color=999999]Graduated from the WIP school for WIP sorcerers with a WIP degree in WIPness. You're a WIP, Harry![/color] [/hider] [/hider]