[@VitaVitaAR] [center][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/2fa9/f/2016/187/8/b/thedoc_by_zelosse-da8xqso.png[/img][/center] [center][h1]"[color=00a651]𝓣𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓇[/color]"[/h1] Anton Duboi[/center] Teller smiled wryly behind the beaked visage at the thought of impending battle. Years on the field had dulled neither his taste for war or his passion for sewing up the aftermath of it. How odd, he pondered while reaching into his coat pocket, that the duality of his soul would be drawn to harm and healing all at once. There was an irony that he quite enjoyed as he pulled out the ripe red apple from his coat pocket and admired the gleam off the fast fading sunlight. Turning the to the captain, Anton listened to her orders and silently agreed with her decisions. Despite the youths obvious lackings it was clear this girl had a sense of strategy. With time would it yield fruit such as the one he held? As the soldiers marched forward to the fight, Teller cleared his throat to catch the captains attention. Fanilly Danbalion was like himself once upon a time. Thrust into a position he had not been entirely prepared for but willing to rise to the challenge. Did she, like Anton had back then, feel the self doubt in her actions and the panic of her choices? His voice was soft as he addressed only her. [color=39b54a]"Be clear in your decisions and resolute in your beliefs, Captain. I have faith in you." [/color] Though you could not see his eyes or his reassuring smile it was all too obvious from his tone what he meant. As a physician it was his job to deal with the worst possible scenario at the end of a fight. His job required hard decisions, to speak calmly and act with caution and purpose. A single misstep could cost a patient their life. Teller could understand the pressure this bright young woman was under. Teller would fight and take life for his captain and his order. When the battle was over, he would fight harder to save the lives he still could. Anton put the apple in the Captains hand with a short laugh. [color=00a651]"Healthy body, healthy mind."[/color] He left unsaid the little half joke. An apple a day kept the doctor away, right. [@Themerlinhawk] Teller checked his gear and the many syringes in and around his coat methodically, memorizing which one was where in case he needed one in the midst of a fight. Wouldn't do to accidentally stab himself with his own toxic concoction. Not that such a thing had ever happened before.... more than a few times. Anton Duboi was not always a clever man. The walk was brisk as the knights mounted and began their approach. Sun setting low in the sky, visibility would be an issue for the armored knights against what Teller presumed would be sneaky killers in their element. His hand squeezed the hilt of his Khopesh just a little tighter at the thought. It wasn't until he saw the burly form of one Sir Garrett. A barbarian and a fierce warrior in his own right, Teller wasn't sure if he had ever had the misfortune of sewing this one back together after a fight. More likely the brawny brawler heavily favored the 'I can stand it' way of dealing with an injury. Speaking of injury, Teller could not help but notice the uncomfortable look on Garrett as he rolled his shoulder and stretched his neck. Performance in battle was just as important as performance out of battle, and a crumbling body would not last long in the heavy conflict the knights often took part in. Teller made his way to the big man and waved his hand in a friendly, non aggressive manner. Aware that many took his mask as a foul omen of some kind instead of the practical functioning medical equipment that it was. [color=00a651]"Apologies, Sir. Doctor Teller."[/color] Anton bowed lightly before continuing. [color=00a651]"We don't have long before the fight, but I'd like to offer some help before we get into it."[/color] Teller reached into his coat and pulled out a long syringe with a NS on the front. (NS Stands for Numbing Solution) [color=00a651]"It is a mild sedative. Numbs the body so you feel no pain.. Past or present."[/color] Didn't want to make the big man feel weak for an injury that came naturally in this life.