[img]http://i.imgur.com/dzcuboo.png[/img] Welcome back to the Fourth of July Hunger Games! peperony and chease. [img]http://i.imgur.com/46ZnzdA.png[/img] Roosevelt goes out with a whimper. peperony and chease. Snowden dies from the carbonized fallout of his own violent career. peperony and chease. Hot Wings prepares a primitive weapon while Ron Swanson, hungover, goes hunting for a cheeseburger-like facsimile. Betty White dreams about the moment when everybody else is dead and she can finally walk free. We start of strong here, with the death of two powerful men by rather weak ways. That's the way these things always seem to go. Never a great violence, just a lot of stupid accidents until the least accident prone survives. [img]http://i.imgur.com/eCuVMQt.png[/img] There they go. We find ourselves saying goodbye now to those who fought bravely on the red white and blue field of patriotism. They like so many brave Americans might find themselves buried in Mrs. Lee's rose garden, which would mean that R.E. Lee himself will be returned to the soil of his home. [img]http://i.imgur.com/5rGNhC7.png[/img] Lafayette and Betty White don't seem to be romantic in this scenario, but they do share bunks. This means something in a world where most people are dead and their beds empty. A friendship perhaps, that might very well last until the end. Meanwhile, Pocahontas shows us that she really is an undervalued participant. [img]http://i.imgur.com/oMai0gs.png[/img] Pocahontas and Betty White get in a scooter chase. This is a bad move on Pokey's part. By choosing to play an old woman's game, she threatens her own ability to compete and therefore by ip-so-fact-o she risks catastrophe. Ron Swanson brings the electoral sway back to the Dems. We get a surprise call in from the Bernie Sanders campaign, no doubt telling MLK about a variety of percentages that exist in the world. Lafayette does the blasphemous thing and begins to wonder if he might very well just be French or something like that. But now Hot Wings dies. From the Sugars no less. It is no wonder, besides being an unhealthy meal itself, the Hot Wings has spent much of the game collecting food. As we lower his disfigured body into a funerary vat of Blue Cheese sauce, we must take time to reflect on the obesity epidemic and how we have let this finger-lickin' disease expand as deliciously across the country as it has. peperony and chease. [img]http://i.imgur.com/b0lklWS.png[/img] One shot, of the heavy sort, can be heard. The mournful cry of callioping trumpets joins in a low wishy-washy song. RIP wings.