[@Nallore][@c3p-0h][@BlackPanther] [h1][center][color=39b54a]Lord Emerin Hyland[/color][/center][/h1] [center]Interacting with: Tiras Sky, Lady Grey, Maria Sky[/center] [center][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M08930edecb8adbbe2e4f10b8d7fd9c40H1&pid=15.1[/img][/center] [hr] Emerin embraced his niece, [color=39b54a]"Maria!, if it isn't my favorite Bastard Niece."[/color] Emerin laughed heartily, As Maria introduced herself Emerin noticed Lady Grey looking puzzled and she appeared to be deep in thought he turned to his Nephew who was nearly as tall as him, Emerin noticed the boy's smile, Tiras didn't smile nearly enough and it was nice to see him looking youthful. Emerin Chucked at Lady Grey's question.[color=39b54a]"No my dear where i come from there is no shame in siring a bastard, i would argue that my family sees it as a right of passage. i am not called the Skymaker behind my back for no reason."[/color] he smiled at Grey before turning to Tiras [color=39b54a]" A gift for the princess eh? well it would be a shame if she didn't receive it. come the feast will begin very soon and i'll introduce you to the king, queen and more importantly the princess"[/color], As they walked to the feast Maria and Lady Grey seemed to get along fine and Emerin could not help but notice the Lady taking a notice of his Nephew, Emerin and Tiras started discussing what had happened in the two weeks Emerin had not been at the Keep, news was not good for his dear brother. [hr] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]The feast[/color][/h1][/center] interacting with, Tiras Sky,Maria Sky, Lady Grey and the King, Queen and Princess [@MissCapnCrunch] [color=39b54a]"Your Highness'"[/color]Emerin bowed and kissed both the Queen and Princess on the back of the hand, the young girls face turned Scarlet. [color=39b54a]"May i Present, My Niece Maria, My Nephew Tiras and The beautiful Lady Grey." [/color] He began Looking around or the rest of the Hyland Family, and noticed them talking to a stranger, He took his leave and began to Head to the Family instructing Lady Grey that she was to be his Guest and she was able to join him at dinner and during the tourney later if she were so inclinded.