Lots of OOC, nothing important. Here's my Tsuchikage application, reviews pl0x and thnk u :3 Name: Aizen Shimura Alias: Konton no Shisha (Messenger of Chaos) Age: 37 Gender: Male Rank: Second Tsuchikage Appearance: [hider=Konton no Shisha, Second Tsuchikage][img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/086/9/2/suoh_mikoto___anime__k___project____by_blackcrystal94-d5zfio1.png][/hider] Personality: The first thing most notice about Aizen is his vice of smoking cigarettes. He enjoys a few each day, and even incorporates them into his fighting style. He is well aware of the dangers tobacco presents to his health, though he has never been one to really want to live that long. He's done his time here on earth, the heavens are waiting for him... but these damn kids need to be put in their place first! Taking into account many of the newest generation will be well aware of the war, but none have yet participated in one, Aizen views the world as peaceful even if it is called anything but that by its inhabitants. Aizen fought during the first war and received many battle scars from it, taking away from it the experience and lessons of suffering that come with it. He scoffs at danger and grins in the face of war, Aizen is most comfortable in any situation. It takes much to discomfort him. He enjoys dissecting the personalities of those around him and situations he finds himself in alike, and then forms his own opinions and judgments of things based of his observations. Village: Konohagakure History/Background: Aizen was born in Iwagakure a Fire Release user of great skill. He was inclined to become a Shinobi at the time due to the spread of the profound knowledge of the Sage. His family was very wealthy and paid some of the most skilled early Shinobi teach him in the ways of Ninjutsu. He was very diligent in his practices and graduated the Academy at the top of his class. His life took a drastic turn when he was drafted into Iwagakure's army during the war at only age ten. A ten year old was fighting a war, it was absurd. Yet anyone with Ninjutsu capabilities was utilized in some way, and his Fire Release was powerful for a Genin. He was taught the basics of Earth Release by his Iwagakure comrades during the war itself, here he learned basic tactics to move the earth for defense and hide within it, as well as making earth-based traps for enemies. It came easily to him do to the fact that he was surrounded by Earth Release ninja of his own country... and if he didn't learn it quickly he would die. The war lasted six long years for Aizen which left him battle-scarred and rugged. He viewed the world a different place, one where battle was necessary for personal and national survival. He viewed the wealth in Iwagakure as temporary, something that could be taken from them. What could not be taken from you were your beliefs or values, something that needed to be instilled in people. He came out of the war at age 17 a new Shinobi. He was promoted to Chuunin for his efforts by Iwagakure and trained with the first Tsuchikage due to his talent with Ninjutsu. With his help Aizen was able to master three elements, a feat not any ordinary Shinobi could do at this point in time. After mastering Wind, Fire and Earth, Aizen was not satisfied. Instead of learning a fourth element, he believed it was possible to mix the elements together to form a more potent release without the need for a fabled Kekkei Genkai, a genetic trait that Aizen was not fortunate enough to be born with. From here he trained vigorously trying to combine one element with another to no avail. He became discouraged, he could not find any combination among his three elements that blended together for him, until he realized that the blend of his three chakra was already inside of him, in his own essence. At this time he came to the realization that all substance of the world was made of similar basic particles bound together to form the world that came to be around them. In this sense, he attributed the combining of his three natures to the control of these basic particles, and began viewing each of his three chakra natures as a singular particle in order to form a molecule of chakra based on his three natures. It took many years of practice with this principle in mind but by age 21 Aizen had founded the basis for Dust Release. By age 26 he had created several techniques and was well-adjusted to his Kekkei Tota which was followed by a promotion to the Kage's personal bodyguard. The first Tsuchikage was an elderly man who had fought through the hardships of the first world war, and saw that the war had hardened him into a powerful ninja with a good head on his shoulders. The Tsuchikage revealed to Aizen that he had been suffering with a terrible illness since before the first war ended, and his time was short. Appointing Aizen his successor to lead Iwagakure's new generation, he died a year later which left Aizen with a wealthy country and a people in need of guidance after war. Aizen looked toward the future and sought power for his country. From age 27 to his present age of 37 Aizen has been mastering his Kekkei Tota while rebuilding his country from the war and carefully watching the other Kage come to power as well. He studies the political landscape often and is eager to begin diplomacy in the name of Iwagakure. Tools: Explosive tags, smoke bombs, kunai, shuriken, flash bombs, two twin kodachi Chakra Nature: Wind, Fire, Earth; [i]Dust[/i] Kekkei Tota: [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Dust_Release]Jinton[/url]; This nature allows the user to manipulate molecules, Aizen not only has the ability to disintegrate them but reform them into other substances as well. Special Traits: Invented the first Kekkei Tota, that's special, right? He is also a very fast Shinobi even by the standards of Kage, and has an incredibly resilient body. He has exceptionally enormous chakra reserves capable of handling his heavy arsenal of Ninjutsu. His chakra control is on point as well. Aizen is an extremely aware individual of his surroundings at all times, however at times this leads to paranoia. Jutsu [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Flight_Technique]Flight Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Dust_Release:_Detachment_of_the_Primitive_World_Technique]Detachment of the Primitive World[/url] [hider=Fire Release][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Hiding_in_Ash_and_Dust_Technique]Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Ash_Pile_Burning]Ash Pile Burning[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Dragon_Flame_Release_Song_Technique]Dragon Flame Release Song Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Phoenix_Sage_Flower_Nail_Crimson]Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Intelligent_Hard_Work]Intelligent Hard Work[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Fire_Annihilation]Great Fire Annihilation[/url][/hider] [hider=Wind Release][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Violent_Wind_Palm]Gale Palm[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Dust_Cloud_Technique]Dust Cloud Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Pressure_Damage]Pressure Damage[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Serial_Waves]Vacuum Serial Waves[/url][/hider] [hider=Earth Release][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Hiding_Like_a_Mole_Technique]Hiding Like a Mole[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Golem_Technique]Golem Technique[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Swamp_of_the_Underworld]Swamp of the Underworld[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Tearing_Earth_Turning_Palm]Tearing Earth Turning Palm[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_Spear]Earth Spear[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Great_Moving_Earth_Core]Great Moving Earth Core[/url][/hider] [hider=Custom Techniques]Name: Koujin (Dusty Atmosphere) Rank: C Range: 10 yards Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu Effect: Aizen places his hands on the ground to send a surge of Jinton chakra into the earth, resulting in the ground beneath him crumbling into dust and violently rising up all around him, creating a cloud of dust to hide himself from view. This confuses chakra sensors as well due to the fact that his chakra is imbued in the dust cloud. Weakness: Supplementary Name: Shinkan Shiyoukiyaku (Silent Incineration) Rank: B Range: 20 yards Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu Effect: Aizen holds a single hand seal which creates a sphere of influence using his body as the center, all molecules within the air become susceptible to his influence. Using this technique he is able to break apart the atmosphere and form flammable gas clouds within it which can be ignited by a spark or Fire Release technique. It can also be used for various other purposes, depending on the elements present. Weakness: He must hold the seal for a few seconds, the technique alone does not do any damage other than alter the atmosphere Name: Sakeru Genshi (Splitting an Atom) Rank: C Range: The range of the weapon is increased up to six inches with this technique Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu/Chakra Flow Effect: Aizen channels Jinton chakra through his sword, giving it a rigid white aura. Anything coming into contact with this aura is broken down at a molecular level. Aizen can release the aura from the blade as a weapon in a slashing maneuver creating a thin wave of Dust Release chakra. This can also be used with other weapons. Weakness: Do not touch the object charged with Dust Release chakra Name: Kirime Shiyoumon (Breaking Bonds) Rank: C-S Range: Contact Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu Effect: By making direct physical contact Aizen will force Dust Release chakra into the target to cause an abrupt spontaneous disintegration, the releasing of energy from broken bonds holding the target together creates an explosion, reducing the target into nothing more than a formless debris. Weakness: The magnitude of this technique scales with the amount of chakra used Name: Chiri no Toujin (Blade's Edge of Dust) Rank: B Range: 15 yards Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu Effect: One hand holding his sword, another holding a hand seal, Aizen is able to break down carbon dioxide in the air around him while simultaneously breaking down his sword into dust via dust release chakra, then manipulating the carbon atoms in the atmosphere and his sword's molecules to reform it as a longer, more durable form of carbon steel. This enables Aizen to lengthen his sword at will, even to lengths which the sword may impale his opponent like a lance. By forming the same hand seal he can contract the blade back to a shorter length. This technique is mainly used for his sword but Aizen has shown the proficiency required to form carbon fiber defenses at his disposal for various purposes. Weakness: Requires the user to continually hold a one handed hand seal Name: Datusuishiyou (Dehydration) Rank: C Range: Contact with water Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu - Supplementary Effect: Water's worst nightmare... by placing his hands upon a body of water Dust Release chakra surges through it resulting in the breaking of bonds between the hydrogen atoms and the oxygen, creating a gaseous mixture of pure hydrogen and oxygen, two highly flammable elements. Weakness: Only works on water? It is purely supplementary Name: Nuruchi no In (Null Value Seal) Rank: A Range: Contact Nature: Dust Release Type: Fuuinjutsu Effect: By placing a seal on the target composed of Dust Release chakra the target's molecules are slowly affected by the chakra, slowly reducing the speed in which their molecules move at until the target is completely frozen in place, incapable of movement. Weakness: The seal takes an hour to fully freeze someone into a statue-like coma and requires a large amount of chakra to utilize. Name: Tenisei (Displacement) Rank: A Range: Contact Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu - Supplementary Effect: Aizen is capable of passing through solid matter that he is making contact with by temporarily releasing the bonds of molecules and reforming them as he passes through them. Weakness: Cannot be used on human beings Name: Hojiru Hishigata (Digging for Diamonds) Rank: A Range: 10 yards Nature: Dust Release Type: Ninjutsu - Supplementary Effect: Holding a hand seal the user is able to disintegrate carbon atoms from molecules in the air and ground, reforming them into structures of diamond such as walls, kunai, shuriken, swords, etc. Weakness: Requires time to form the objects, forming quick defense in this manner is extremely taxing on the user's chakra [/hider]