[@Sapphire] Vile didn't seem to mind this question, but did have to think about it. He didn't seem to really have a favorite food. "I don't have one, but I like almost anything when it comes to food." He was telling the truth here. He really didn't have one. [i]Oh, I have to ask her something now, don't I?[/i] He thought about what kind of question he could ask. Was he allowed to ask the same question she asked him? [i]Only one way to find out.[/i] "And how about you? What kind of food do you like?" Being nice was not easy for him, but he had to keep it that way until he had a chance to do something evil later on. [hr] Walking up to the hotel was a certain necromancer who was looking to cause some trouble which for him would be messing with a certain person he liked to call 'Dino-boy'. He set foot inside the building once he got close enough before quickly getting his key at the front desk and going straight to room 8. He went inside for a second before choosing the bed on the right and setting nothing down. All he brought was his spell book and himself. Hunter thought about his current goal, then an idea stuck him. [i]If I use a spell to summon Shadowsaur which [b][u]I[/u][/b] created. I will make it wait and hide somewhere outside then I'll find a way to lure Arin to it.[/i] He layed down on the bed while grinning at the idea. [hr] Arin was still exploring the halls and came across the buffet area, but didn't go in. He looked to see if he could meet any of the residents while still waiting on his girlfriend to arrive at the same time. He also had a bad feeling he would run into someone he never liked. [i]Why do I get the feeling [b]he[/b] is here?[/i] The reason he never said Hunter's name was because that alone would annoy him. He would always refer to him as 'he' instead. He continued standing there.